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  1. *IGN: warforever5 *Age: 11 Description of yourself: i am 11 but i will prove i am mature i find single player minecraft very boring and i love a community feel i hope u can over look the fact that i am 11. *Tekkit Lite/general mod experience: tons i am a master at ic2 and almost all other mods and excel at like i said ic2 i have over 3 years minecraft experience and about 1 and a half of ftb and tekkit. Have you ever griefed or stolen before on another server?: once but that was when i was 4 days on minecraft and my friend said and i quote "its alright its what everyone does". and i have also griefed on war servers and servers where u are supposed to grief. *Skype or Steam (you may PM this to me if you wish to keep it private): my skype is acaron1232 pleased accept my application if u do i look forward to having fun with u on the server.
  2. Minecraft Username: warforever5 Location: vancover b.c Age:13 Tekkit Classic Experience:many years of tekkit minecraft and ftb im a master at the basics and can work my way through advanced fairly easily Additional Comments: plz whitlist me i really want to join this server it seems perfact and i promise swear not to grief spam or annoy anyone and if your looking for staff i have some experience.
  3. name: warforever5 Age:13 why i want to join: ok so i love tekkit ftb the works but see i really wanted to be on a comunity tekkit server cause i think it would make it sooooo much more fun plz accept my application. -warforever5
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