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Everything posted by Raudi4711

  1. IGN: Raudi4711 Age: 30 What makes you want to join this server? - I think we all experienced public servers to an extend - all this random griefing and alike ... wont happen on a whitelisted server I bet What could you bring to the server? - a mature builder - if anybody needs help (no matter what) I will help you out, of course Skype: Raudi0815 How active will you be on the server? - depends on real life, but pretty much a few hours a day (at least)
  2. IGN: Raudi4711 First Name: Jürgen Skype: Raudi0815 Age: 30 What you enjoy doing in AotBT: I love building with Microblocks and building in general. Most importantly write a paragraph: I played some time in sp, but its gonna get a bit boring with time, so i want to play with other people! Gouda and Emmentaler are my Cheese favorites
  3. Hi, I would like to play on the server! (and yes, im older than 18) If you have any further questions - just ask away Best, Raudi
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