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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Ok, thanks for your help!
  2. So as of now you can only obtain blue hearts through the exploitation of a bug?
  3. IGN: Booster26 Why should i pick you? : I enjoy playing/building in a community and I really like AOTBT Are you a good builder? : Yes Have you ever got banned from another server before? : Nope How old are you? : 13 Thanks
  4. Age:13 IGN: Booster26 Skype: Can PM it if accepted Youtube Channel (If you have one): N/A how often will you play on the server?: Almost everyday for a couple hours are you willing to play fair?: Absolutely! Thanks
  5. Hello, AGE: 13 IGN: Booster26 MATURITY LEVEL: 9 SKYPE: Can pm it if accepted WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: I really just want to play Attack of The B-Team with a small group of friendly players . I also haven't played a whole lot of modded minecraft so I want to play some more. Thank you for your consideration
  6. Can you please explain how you did this?
  7. Hello. Username: Booster26 Age: 13 Skype (need one to join): Can PM it if accepted Do Your Record?? Yes Or No: Not at the moment but I plan on doing an AOTBT series How Much experience Do You Have With The ModPack?? 1-10: 8 Are You A Builder, redstoner, Explorer, or all of them: I'd say all of them Are You A Good Builer?? 1-10: I think so 8.2 Are You Going to be Active??? Tell Me How Long/When you can/will come on: Yes, I should be able to come on for 1-3 hours a day most of the time Will You ever Donate (Wont Affect Chances Of Getting Picked): Possibly Will You Help The Community?: Yes I enjoy helping others Why Should i pick you out of everyone else??: I am mature, friendly and knowledgeable about the mod pack. Are you willing to help out with community builds?? Yep Thank you for your consideration
  8. Hello, IGN? Booster26 (Just a silly name, I don't cheat) How active? Come fall 3-7 times a week) Age? 13 (I know it doesn't fit the requirements but I am mature) How well do you know the mod pack? Pretty well as I have watched many videos Are you willing to help the community/donate to help with costs? Yes Whats your favorite mod in the server? Carpenters Blocks (or other building mods) Skype name? I can PM it if accepted Please consider my application, Thank you, -Booster26
  9. Server Application IGN: Booster26 (don't worry I don't cheat) Age: 13 Why do you want to play on this server: The rules are great! I have been looking for a real survival server with no commands (TP, time set) and I really want to play attack of the B-Team with some other people! What DO you like to Do: I like building with all the cool mods as well as being apart of the community. What DON'T you like to do: Cheating Experience with modpack: 6-7 What's your favourite anime character: hmm... let me think about it If you found 100 dollars on the floor what would you do with it? Donate it to worthy cause Thank You
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