Ingame username: ijsman99
Age: 13
Are you experienced in tekkit? i played like 4to5 months but i'm pretty good in it
Do you wish to play on cubenation? of course i hope it will have a great community to
In Game Name: ijsman99
Age: 12
How Long I Have Played With Tekkit: like a jear
Have I Ever Been Banned: no
Why I Would Like To Work On This Project: i can build cool stuff
Previous Building Experience: i made a modern tekkit village
IRL Name(So I can talk to you properly):jens
IGN Name (So I can add you to the white-list):ijsman99
What parts of tekkit are you are good at:EE2 IC2 a bit of railcraft and redpower
Skype Name: don't have it
Reason for wanting to become a member: the server looks cool i want to make friends and i think i found a great server
Why should we accept you:i am a good community player and i'm good at the mods
IRL Name(So I can talk to you properly):jens
IGN Name (So I can add you to the white-list):ijsman99
What parts of tekkit are you are good at:EE,IC2,a bit forestery
good name : it depends on what type of map it is going to be