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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Ingame name:Iroh29 How long you have played mc/b-team: only a few weeks How often you play mc/b-team:2-3 hours a night Age:20 Other information:Iv been playing the Direwolf pack for 6 months and i wanted to try something else.
  2. IGN- Iroh29 age- 20 Reason to join- im a little new to the mod and i like to start small. -Iroh
  3. hello im looking for a good server with good people IGN Iroh29
  4. In-Game Name: Iroh29 Age:29 Why do you want to play on this server: seems like a good bunch of people What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): I love looking around my world and making new things with new people. What DON’T you like to do: deal with drama. Experience with modpack (1-10): 5 What is love: baby dont hurt me...dont hurt me...no more Squirtle or Pikachu: bulbasaur
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