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About SilentSymphony

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. It should be rather obvious, Ores have their own place in the configuration, B02's are for things such as tree's that do not spawn by default. But you are incorrect, you do not lack the knowledge, It's right in front of you. The TC wiki alone has 90% of what you need to get tekkit up and running, Use google a bit
  2. the only way you're going to get a good map out of terrain control, is by A: learning yourself how to use it or B: Begging/Paying one of the several available TC mappers, Most of them are not going to be willing to just hand you everything for nothing, the b02's take work, and getting mineral/ores to spawn at the correct values also takes some work. I plan to release a basic set of b02's to the tekkit community shortly after my server launches, Data TBA. Personally I'd go with Option A, It might take you some time but once you do learn, you'll be spitting out maps like crazy. But if you're going for option B, your welcomed to pm me.
  3. B02's spawn on top of things, I made an image to explain. However you can easily render the oil in as an Ore. There's also a few other ways to render oil into the world if you read the configuration files yourself.
  4. Terrain control works far better than some may have been led to believe, The documentation is fairly poor as already mentioned here, But everything that tekkit has can in fact be rendered in, if you know how, the documentation on how to achieve this is freely available on the TC forum. unfortunately there are some severe lighting issues when using Terrain control to render a world, under certain circumstances, and too many b02's can make your render process very slow, and taxxing on the server and with b02's being at a minimum of 1-100 you'd be surprised how common 1 rarity can get. If you don't have a pretty good server or pc to handle the render process, the map by image feature is probably the best choice for you, not to mention randomgen is extremely hard to control, even if you're highly experienced in terrain control, values of 0.01 can make a very big differience, or even glitch out.
  5. Well, On my way to being kellered with this post, where i completely ignored the OP's post and put a solution he already knew about.
  6. In your Tekkit server folder you will find the config folder in which are a great deal of the configs for the various mods in tekkit. Inside the IC2.cfg (open with text editor) you will find the below entry. # Explosion power of a nuke, where TNT is 4 explosionPowerNuke=0.0 <-------- set it to that. Hope i helped.
  7. I'm having this problem on my server as well. I am also running on 3.0.4 and i am only running the plugins, NoLag and CommandBook, as with most people in this thread i have plenty of ram and processing power that is not being used.
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