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Everything posted by LisaRagamuffin

  1. Name: LisaRagamuffin Age: 51 Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) yes Lisa Eddy Experience being staff? No (though my daughter is an admin on a private server for Homestuck fans Current rank on server? Laird Why do you want to be staff? I am on most every day, and particularly now that school has started and there aren't any MODS online in the daytime i am frequently the only "mature" person online with lots of beginners. I like to help people, and answer questions when I can. I really enjoy the environment on this server, particularly the non PVP. Before this server I have been playing B Team on other servers for about 7 months. I have been told that I would make a good MOD, and I was encouraged to apply. What staff/mod related plugins do you know? Not much, but I am a fast learner
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