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  1. We prefer to talk about this in private rather than on public forums. Often forums don't like money talk on the forums, incase of scams etc. You can PM me and i will send you my Skype, etc, if you wish.
  2. Hi, i'm a server operator. I'm looking for staff members; admins and developers for an expansion project to other mod packs as swell as staff to take up admin positions in my current Tekkit Lite server. This is a well established MC Server group, of over 3 years experience. Currently, I have need for staff members who : - Are completely fluent in English. This doesn't mean you have to be from a native English speaking country, it means you can type a complete sentence without spelling and grammar mistakes. Multilingual a plus. - For Developer- Have knowledge or at least 2 programming language. Experience in moddedMC is a plus! - Are willing to build, moderate, and potentially learn back end as necessary. Knowledge of back-end and plugins a plus. - Have at least 2-3 hours free, 5 days a week. If it sounds like a job, it is because I need a few serious staff members, not 100 non-serious volunteers. Willing to have operator time responsibilities a plus. - Are over the age of 13. 18+ a definite plus. - Willing to be on Teamspeak at all times while in the server and able to be interviewed on it before being hired. Please reply to this thread and do not PM me. Reply here, and we can PM after. Thanks.

  3. why is the technic launcher not working

    whenever i click on it it doesn't bring anything up like it normally does so can u please fix the launcher and all the bugs that are causing the problem please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. LuckyD405


      Try and restart it all. Including your PC.

  4. After 5 days, still no response from admins. I can't work out what was wrong with the threads. Please respond to my message admins! It would be much appreciated. 

  5. Go ahead! Would love to meet you and learn more!
  6. Anyone else? This is a great opportunity!
  7. Yeah sure! Just PM me, we can sort things out. I just didn't want to be attacked with 50 PMs.
  8. Hi, i'm a server operator. I'm looking for staff members; admins and developers for a possible expansion project to other mod packs (Primarily Hexxit) as swell as staff to take up admin positions in my current Tekkit Lite server. Currently, I have need for staff members who : - Are completely fluent in English. This doesn't mean you have to be from a native English speaking country, it means you can type a complete sentence without spelling and grammar mistakes. Multilingual a plus. - Are willing to build, moderate, and potentially learn back end as necessary. Knowledge of back-end and plugins a plus. - Have at least 2-3 hours free, 5 days a week. If it sounds like a job, it is because I need a few serious staff members, not 100 non-serious volunteers. Willing to have operator time responsibilities a plus. - Are over the age of 14. 18+ a definite plus. - Willing to be on Teamspeak at all times while in the server and able to be interviewed on it before being hired. Please reply to this thread and do not PM me. Reply here, and we can PM after. Thanks.
  9. FiveKingdoms Tekkit Lite is awesome!

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