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Everything posted by AmberMew

  1. It was a little rocky to start as with all server resets but it is running smoothly, and everyone is striving to help others get a start up. Awesome to see the community helping each other out while the Admins run around dealing with the larger issues like reimbursements & setting up the MystCrafts
  2. Super excited for the map reset too! Spawns look great, trailer was awesomely done, and the fact that they are even working with people who donated over the past couple months is also awesome! Not many would be willing to go back more than a couple weeks
  3. Loving the new shops. The fact that I can buy the lower ranks then upgrade for the difference between the ranks instead of buying the whole thing over again is great. That Special Donator will one day be mine! >=D
  4. I listened in on the Karaoke competition in the TeamSpeak yesterday. Quite neat that they do activities out of MineCraft as well. Apparently it happens every week. Might sing next week, would be neat to win some of the prizes in game for it
  5. They're hosting an easter egg hunt on the 5th I'm uber eggcited. See what I did there? I want to crawl in a hole now for using such a corny pun X_X But seriously, I want me an HV >=)
  6. Server recently migrated to a new host. Loving the less downtime & latency on my end. Wish they would add on to their admin team though, the two they have look to need more help, but are super friendly ingame even if they are super tired.
  7. Absolutely gorgeous spawn, most the people are very friendly, and there's already one very successful player run shop on the server, hoping to see more soon I also love the LV Arrays I got from voting =3
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