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Everything posted by blats

  1. I did the same, Opis showed the same, killed them off but they come back. 2000+ of them. Ended up disabling them in the cfg file for now.
  2. Skuli, I fixed the Lycanites folder capitalization issue on Linux server, copied in the cfgs to the properly named folder and got a much better mob balance. Started seeing vanilla mobs instead of being overrun with Lycanites. I'm still having trouble with chocolate and infernal mobs not dropping any high level loot just basic stuff.
  3. Hey all. We've been having a lot of fun playing Hexxit with the kids and friends, first on 1.0 and now on 3.0b and c. I like the additional difficulty, but definitely seeing some bugs. - (already mentioned) Mummy Pharaoh bug, there's about 75 of them out there in the desert. - (already mentioned) Unable to shoot tinker's bows. - Client crash bug when a tool auto-replaces due to wear when in the dual-wield slots. - (already mentioned) In default setup, both sorting and switching between regular and dual-wield slots are bound to "R". - (already mentioned) Shovels dig dirt and gravel instantly (may have to do with miner class), but digging dirt with grass on it is normal. Digs so fast its hard to get just 1 block. The big one that I am trying to figure out is that we're not getting any non-vanilla loot, period. Chests, mobs, anywhere. No meteor material items, nothing from Infernal rare mobs, chocolate quest chests, nada. Mostly food in those chests. I haven't seen a battle tower yet (surprisingly) but i hear those are empty anyway. I'm looking into it and would be happy to help debug, I have the java. Let me know if you have any ideas. EDIT: Copying the LycanitesMobs directory contents to the lycanitesmobs directory (linux) seems to have restored some balance to mobs and loot looks like its working now as well.
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