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Everything posted by zagrom

  1. You have to make sure the button is on a rea block, it cant be placed on a frame or a covered frame as the signal wont go thru.
  2. Pulser. Its what we used on our v.2, we had this issue too
  3. Hey, thanks for showing. Like I mentioned before, we have a video coming so specifically for a RP2 frame door that reacts to day and night and blocks people spamming the button and auto closes after a set amount of time. Im sure you can get the door you want after watching that video =D
  4. What parts are you saying I left out? Not to point fingers but I'm forced to assume your wiring isn't properly setup somewhere. There are a few parts of this build that are variables, as in it wont be the same for everyone depending on how your whole building is set up. I dont quite understand what you mean. I might try if I understood.
  5. AWESOME! Im so glad someone learned something from this! Id love to see video or even pics of what you came up with. We have move stuff planned soon. (atm 2 types of frame bores and frame door we designed and still thinking up more ideas, feel free to suggest anything.)
  6. sorry Beavis, we had a whitelist mishap earlier, you should be fixed
  7. Haha, thanks, your build was quite amazing as well. Gotta come up with something else now tho haha. Can only ride on the elevator for so long =P
  8. Thanks to whatever admin added dev to the main page too.
  9. Im not disagreeing with you =D I see your points and do agree that it can be made smaller this way (assuming one knows how to do the code) if we can have a pc hidden in the background to control some things to keep wiring smaller and simpler but keep buttons then we will release a version like that.
  10. As much as Im sure a complex elevator can be done with a PC, I believe our goal was to make one that still felt like a real elevator, and a part of that means buttons. From what I have seen (I could very easily be incorrect) this is hard to do with PCs, notice a button press I mean, instead you have to type on the PC itself like "F3" or something and it takes you to floor 3, and that sorta takes away from it I feel. And keeping the complexity of the other RP2 elements is nice I think. The main + to a cc powered elevator I feel is cause people can just get the code and walk off happily cause now they get an elevator (or whatever really) and don't have to learn much to make it work. And that fine too, personally I like a bit of a challenge. But like I said before, if you can incorporate a PC in a later version, it will likely happen.
  11. Potentially, its something we will be looking into. Tho atm none of us are highly skilled with CC, at least not in this sort of manner and as much as dev knows about rp2 pcs there isn't a reliable way for it to detect buttons that he knows of yet. In time perhaps. If we figure it out we will publish it im sure.
  12. If it only has 2 floors it should be easy. If you want a tutorial on the simple elevator we had made (the mini one I used in the first video to get to all the wiring) its pretty simple. Just has an up and a down, and would in theory go 2x faster then on using a inchworm drive as one of our minis would move for example 1 block per tick while the other would need 2 ticks per block, as it would have to move the floor and then the rest of the drive and then repeat. Tho if your just doing it to have the drive then thats cool too. I haven't yet learned to make them but dev is quite good with them. Made both a rp2 quarry and a bore using them.
  13. XD I saw when you had just the ":v" and I hopped on the server and was like "Uh, dev, you thanked the wrong guy.." Haha.
  14. Here is a post. Now you try.

  15. Oh jeez, this got stickied? Amazing thank you =D I was wondering why I was suddenly getting so may views and subs haha. Edit: Good lord on the Tekkit homepage too wow. If thats there can I request that devryb's username be added as well as I couldn't have made that without his help. Thanks, seriously
  16. Thanks =D Were looking for more complex projects to do like this too.
  17. Thanks Dev, and the OP post has been compleatly updated, Ill probably add new images later.
  18. Thank you sniper, I just caught this message before I left the room, this will take 2 seconds to fix, thank you so much for pointing it out. Im tired and havnt slept ya XD ... Fixed If there are any other issues I will get a messge on my phone if posted here. Thanks again for catching this.
  19. nevermind13jet you have been whilelisted and info will be sent shortly. A rather large note, ZagCraft has changed hosting, hamachi is no longer required and in the next few weeks we should be going graylist. There is a new IP/port, if your already whitelisted just log in with the old server info and read the note left there for info. I will do a total overhaul of the forum post here later today but for now I need to sleep.
  20. The way it is designed, assuming you have the lock out timer set longer then it would take for the elevator to get from top to bottom then only the first button press will be processed and everything else will be ignored until the timer ends, the only thing that can possibly override this is the emergency button, but if you happen to press that while moving and somehow manage to get stuck (you shouldn't) then you just press the emergency button again and you go back to the bottom, no problem. In the v1 of this design the only bug there was when you got lucky pressing the call button while the elevator was pssing a detector on another floor. But as of v2 (again, assuming you set it up right) then this should be impossible. Thanks for the comment. (While typing this it made me thing of some stuff and the emergency button may be nothing but a flaw and might be better if removed all together. If a v3 is made then this is likely, saving even a little more space)
  21. TheOkami, you have been whitelisted and info will be PMed to you shortly. see you in game.
  22. footykaiser11 you have been whitelisted , info PMed to you
  23. I made tutorial videos as it was requested by some. Part 1 Part 2
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