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Everything posted by zagrom

  1. An elevator of our own design... Fancy Post since were linked to the main page: This is a rp2 elevator me and dev made on our Tekkit server. Took us a week to design and build the original v1 design. We came up with a few modifications to the design and released the tutorial as the v2 design which is more stable, and smaller then its original v1 design. v3 is in the works and in theory the size of elevator it can support could double in size with out the logic size changing much too much. Only time will tell. Original video: Tutorial Episode 1: The Shaft Tutorial Episode 2: The Logic We plan to make more stuff like this, not elevator related necessarily, but tekkit builds. Seriously, give use a reasonable challenge, something you haven't seen, me and dev might make it, or at least well try. Original post: Will only be appreciated by those that understand its complexity I believe, But still feel free to take a look =D This isnt a tutorial, just showing it off a little, a tutorial will be made if people show interest in it. If you have any other complex building ideas let me know and Ill see if we can make something out of it.
  2. Ok, got the internet working again and server is up and running once more, sorry if this has affected anyone gameplay.
  3. So the server is down ATM as my internet is absolutely refusing to work. I have been working on it for over 2 hours now and going to let it all just sit a while and im hoping it does me a favor and fixes itself. If not ill be back n the clock later. Sorry for this inconvenience, ill do everything I can to get it up and going again ASAP
  4. Thanks dev for watching this thread for me while I was away, if anyone who was whitelisted is having any issues let me know and Ill get on it ASAP. I know some of you were trying to contact me on hamachi but please use these forums instead, Thanks!
  5. Hello chime, You have been white listed and will get a PM soon with info you need.
  6. Hello aaron, if I dont respond within a day you probably didn't get whitelisted, To be honest you application scared me off from you. But rereviwing you I think Ill give you a shot. Azrielx123, We dont have anyone making any sorts of potions so that may be cool, I hope your not 100% emc operated tho, that gets sorta boreing, haha. Ill have both your hamachi infos PMed soon. And thanks for adding the pic Cam, that town is coming along nicely.
  7. This is why you didn't get whitelisted, he made one typo and your on his case.
  8. Hello Noxity, you have been added to the white list, see you in game. A few people that have applied and havnt yet gotten on may be removed soon so 4 slots or so may become available again.
  9. Added some more to the white list. We are currently only accepting 5 more people. I plan to expand to a larger server sooish tho. Also Ill update my starting post hopefully today.
  10. Hello, Zag here, First off, sorry for my delay in responding, I primarily blame the update of the Tekkit forums as I stopped getting emails about this topic as I had set it previously. But even so I have been pretty busy so I didnt have time to manually check lately. Anywho, not busy now, and I have whitelisted you all and am sending a PM for hamachi info in just a moment. Thanks for your understanding in the delay. -Zagrom
  11. Blaze and friend have been whitelisted, See you in game
  12. caff77, You have been added and info sent to you via PM. Look forward to seeing what you make in game.
  13. Ok, well I have worked on this problem for hours, and Terikez was able to get on now so it should be good to go, not exactly sure what was wrong, but its working now.
  14. expungo, You have been added to whitelist and other info has been PMed to you. Dont forget that this is a Hamachi server, you need to have hamachi installed and connect to the network I PMed you to be able to get on. If you arnt sure about how to do this watch the video below:
  15. devryb, PM sent, and added to whitelist, you should be good to go, I only know a little about computer craft so I look forward to seeing what you get going. Random acts of violence is something that is seen negatively on ZagCraft. Perhaps Ill make a timeout jail for minor offences.. Hmm, Ill look into it. Anywho, 13 slots remain (for now)
  16. Terikez, You have been added to the whitelist and other info you need has been PM'ed to you here on the forum. I cant wait to see your work on the server. 14 Slots remain to be given.
  17. ZagCraft VIDEO: City of Eureka IMAGES: The DevCo Compound DESCRIPTION: Our server strives to be different from others. We have an ever growing friendly community and always remove trouble from our server. We wont tolerate greifing, hacking, cheating, attitudes, rudeness, and etc. So i your looking for a closed community that has easy, fair rules and will protect your tekkit rights, this is the place. Our staff likes to make big things and likes to try and make the most of tekkit and give our players new things to look at, learn from, and explore. We have an expanding growth of towns lately and WanCorp sponsored travel agencies can surely help you decide where you like to move to. And if you don't want to live in town, that's fine to, tho the map is limited there is 5,001 blocks to explore in all directions from the spawn giving a total of 10,002 x 10,002 circle of map to explore. Railways and train stations are in the process of being implemented and soon all towns will meet. A custom currency system is growing on the server different from most and one day a stock market will likely grow. ZagCraft now has a growing industry with its on unique economy. Business, jobs, factories, airships are all starting to pop up on ZagCraft. I think its really neat, perhaps you will as well. The staff are always up to hear your suggestions to make the server a more different place then other servers. We are always looking for ways to make things interesting. Contests! CotW: "Contest of the Week" is our weekly building contest whos theme is changed each week, chosen and hosted by one of the 4 major staff businesses. Other contests are planned but still need some work done before they are public. Things that require a permit to use at this time are: Wireless Redstone - (Easy) Ender Chests - (Easy) Force Fields - (Moderate) Reactors - (Moderate-Hard) Chunk Loaders - (Hard) Rules Included: But lot limited to.. ::01 - The Admin's word is above all else, even the Big Book o' Official Rules!:: ::02 - Greifing is forbidden, this includes random destruction of the world!:: ::03 - Stealing is not allowed on ZagCraft, we will hunt you down.:: ::04 - Nuclear power of a any sort is forbidden without a permit.:: ::05 - All nuclear power must be inspected by an Admin before use.:: ::06 - Do not cheat the AFK kicker to keep a chunk loaded.:: ::07 - Excessive and unnecessary swearing is discouraged.:: ::08 - Use of any dupe bugs will result in banishment!:: ::09 - Random unnecessary killings will get you jailed.:: ::10 - Use of any destructive items populated areas will result in being banned or the items being taken away.:: ::11 - Dont be a troll.:: ::12 - dont set timers below 1s:: ::13 - Keep your EE "flowers" hidden below ground.:: ::14 - Follow rules set by town if you live in one.:: ::The following items require a permit to own or use:: Reactor, any chunk loader, wireless redstone, Ender Chests, Force Fields ::The following items are banned from owning or use:: Red Morning Star, Nuke, Watch of flowing time, TNT, ITNT, Nova catalyst, Nova cataclysm, Terraformer, Lava Bucket, Hyperkinetic Lens, Catalytic Lens, Ring of ignition, Mining Laser, and mk2/3 collectors and relays (To protect the Economy) ::Please avoid...:: ::Leaving tree tops ::Leaving Creeper Holes ::Useing Teleport Pipes ::Breaking Computers that are running. Notable Active Plugins: (Other then Tekkit default) 1: Bookworm 2: CoreProtect 3: Essentials 4: Multiverse 5: WorldGuard 6: PEX 7: Dynamap 8: Simple Chest Lock 9: OnTime 10: And More GETTING WHITELISTED: Whitelist applications have been moved to our forums listed here. (zagrom.info) Tho feel free to post here for any quick questions. ^^^^If you don't go here to apply for whitelist you wont get on^^^^ This server is still in beta technically and requires patience and testing from our members occasionally. That said things are pretty stable and generally fully functional with new things and ideas being added often. And we gladly listen to suggestions.
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