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Admiral Obvious

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Posts posted by Admiral Obvious

  1. Hi.

    I'm having a problem with the patch download, and I was wondering if someone could help me out. I've tried multiple times to download leddy's patch (to my Win7 laptop), but each time I try to decompress it, or even look inside the 20.3MB zip folder, Win7 says the "Compressed folder ... is invalid." If i try the Extract All command, it claims the folder is empty.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem and found a workaround?

    Why are you extracting it? Unless you are putting in stuff for more mods... don't extract it... either way. Extraction or viewing currently breaks it.

  2. uhh clanforge . Thats mutliplay.co.uk right

    i dont think they support custom server files do they ?

    They have there own set of Vanila tekkit and there own sed of plugins.

    You can upload or install any plugins that are not in there list.

    Wel that is how they worked about 8 months ago so i still think they do

    I had to set up a server for a guy i know then

    They support custom uploads, provided that they aren't viruses (obviously) and they come with some instructions on where those files are supposed to go.

  3. I've been playing technic and tekkit for a while, but just today I noticed this other thing in the modpack list called Hack/Mine. I know its a derivative of minecraft but honestly that's all i know about it. If anyone can give me a simple direction on what the differences are it would be greatly appreciated.

    The reason i have to ask is that my internet is terrible and i dont want to download something and play it and 5 seconds later say "wow, this sucks".

  4. Since I installed this addon, Steve's Carts has not been working properly. Some of the textures (such as the Engine and Chair) are completely missing textures and are now invisible. Marble also shows up as "Update TP" when held in my hand.

    When I looked at the texture file, I noticed it seems to be incomplete and had to revert to the default textures. Is this a WIP or am I doing something wrong?

    It is a WIP. Sphax has not created all the textures for Steve's carts yet and the marble bug is anyone's guess.

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