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    : where ever i put myself
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    FOOD! minecraft. SCIENCE!!!!!!
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  1. i get that all. and i can not think of anything else to say either.
  2. my launcher opens fine and my modpacks download fine. but when i try to open them, the launcher disappears and in less than 1 second it pops right back up. the farthest i ever get is with the Steve's Galaxy modpack. where it opens, i get in the server, i try to open my inventory, the game doesn't respond and i have to force it to stop.
  3. in any laws of anything does it say you cant run, i don't know, 3 generators on one shaft? if so, my idea is, as i said, bunk. if not, my idea is still good. but, with shooting a key from Saturn, say your shooting the "B" key. if you did hit it, chances are your whole computer, and a decent area around it, would be completely decimated. also, just saying, Saturn can not be stood on, rather in. could you time travel if you were sent at speeds over 20x (which may be exaggerated) the speed of light in one direction? or would you just be completely and painfully destroyed?
  4. ​from Saturn, i must say you have a better change warping at the same time. but anyway, i see where your coming from. on fuel, you said there were electric engines right? because i think i have an idea for an electric generator that runs off of itself, for ever until it is broke or stopped. so say my idea works, you could have infinite fuel (electricity) until the generator would be stopped for some reason. if anything in my idea doesnt work, this is all a load in bunk. ok, i dont know how this got up here twice, but i cant take it down so, yeah
  5. ​from Saturn, i must say you have a better change warping at the same time. but anyway, i see where your coming from. on fuel, you said there were electric engines right? because i think i have an idea for an electric generator that runs off of itself, for ever until it is broke or stopped. so say my idea works, you could have infinite fuel (electricity) until the generator would be stopped for some reason. if anything in my idea doesnt work, this is all a load in bunk.
  6. ​yes the odds are small but so are the odds of millions of things that have happened, so this is bound to happen anyway. you say there is the wierd glowy stuff that apears when somebody is coming. so if you were instead of at the exact time as each other, but at near enough times, you could stop your drive, waste a load of power, but hopefully live.
  7. oh and, on fuel, one could use a fuel that might commonly be found on asteroids and other things like that. in space, you dont need a whole lot of force to get moving either, as there is nothing to apply friction or another force back at you. beside gravity, but thats too much for me to care about. on this, you could have a constant, and growing speed. find your own way to steer it, as i cant think of one. this is an edit, but i just want to say i probably used the wrong steer, but you hopeful know what i mean
  8. alright ill be honest. you lost me when you started this thing! but who cares because it all strangely makes sense. for one, im not old, two, i dont know all or ever much of quantum mechanics and other quantum strangeness. but ive an open mind and i learn fast. ive got to ask, could you really do this? with the Bitcoin thing, you could have a universal coin/currency and then, according to the currency in the place you need it, there is an exchange rate just like we have here on earth. yes, this is open to fraud. but arent all other currency systems? there could also be some form of confromation sheet form the place this money comes from.
  9. sorry, i am pretty new to this all so i dont really know what im doing. ill keep that all in mind, again, sorry and thank you.
  10. I'm just bored. thats all. are you bored? ill bet your bored arent you? well, that makes two of us.
  11. you have the funniest picture ive seen in years man! XD

    1. plowmanplow


      Thanks. One of my favorite episodes.

    2. Doctor_Chuckles
  12. it asked my whats on my mind, so i said:  "BOREDOM!!"

    1. Doctor_Chuckles


      sorry, i meant 'it asked me whats on my mind'

  13. ok, how in the world did i go from 9 profile views to 14 in less than 15 minutes? XD

    1. Doctor_Chuckles


      and it says "There are no recent visitors"

      how does that work?


    2. Doctor_Chuckles


      im already at 26 views! creepy, but awesome!

  14. Hey guys! to who ever finds this, i would be interested in making a modpack of my own! if any of you out there could and/or would help me, i would ask that you do. if i ever get a server running with it, you would definitely be promoted to staff the first time i see you on!


    otherwise whats new?


  15. so if you have a white listed server, my name is Doctor_Chuckles, and i would love to join your server! by the way, the picture of the space station you have for the modpack, you wouldn't happen to know if i can get that map somewhere, do you? anyway, i hate playing minecraft alone, so, i hpe i can get to your server!
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