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Everything posted by StevasaurousREX

  1. Starts out like a fairy tale, not the worst thing ever to start with but I was almost instantly turn away. I dont want a kids story I want something adventurous and exciting! If you plan on writing you need to use whats called a 'hook', as you would a fish, you need to lure your readers in and snag them with a well thought out sentence or few sentences. The opening statement also needs to be that hook. Also your story moves like a list. "This happened then this, and this, with some of this." It needs to gradually move from one subject to the next to create a picture in someones mind. As people read your story you really want them to lose the words and have this movie playing in their head where they can see every action and feel every emotion. This should be re-written. Something more like: The boys fell apart over the years and each having different paths they want to take. The sneaky child had grown in to the most feared thief in the kingdom. The King, himself, had been robbed many times by the cunning rogue, but the Kings men could never find any proof of who had been there. The Spirit child had moved far away for years, living with the great monks. He had train vigorously to become a great priest! Through his training he had become one with the earth and sky. He could sense the power of any plant or animal and he could feel as they felt. The Strong child had taken to the Army of the King for many years, he had been release from duty after leading the Kings men to victory over the bandits that lived in the mountain. He made himself into the bravest warrior in all the land. Everyone knew of his triumphs, and praised him for the safety he brought them. Twenty years after their encounter at the library the boys, now men, reunited. After catching up on their recent endeavors the men started talking about that night. They questioned why they left, they couldnt seem to remember any real problem. Perhaps they were scared way back then? Then they remembered the old man. The warning he had given them. What had he meant? Was there something valuable in the library? Was there something baring great intelligence that the boys would understand? or was their evil in the library that need cleansing? The men couldn't take it any longer. They were going to find out what was so special about that library. EDIT:: Just wanted to add that the story is great! I did enjoy it and I think it needs to be a written better to captivate readers. This is, after all, a story about how this magical land called Hexxit came to exist.
  2. I recently fired a missile over 12k blocks out on a server to do a test for the owner, so it cant be 10k blocks from 0,0. Maybe you have you negatives wrong or being so far out causes issues with the silo?
  3. But it was fun... at first. T-10 T-9 Next time we will have to use anti-matter so it doesnt actually crash the server
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