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Everything posted by Blackie_life

  1. No, We said in chat that EE was the cause of the crash and we shut down the server to figure out what it was after a couple of crashes and When I did I was pmed by a couple people who wish to remain secret that you were flying up in the sky with the DM shears purposely crashing the server with them.This isn't the first time we have had problems with you.....You currently have 3 warnings and was 1 away from a Ban.You had your chance.We don't want you back on our server.
  2. I checked your Inventory and you have the item used for this "method" to crash the server......
  3. We have multiple people reporting you crashing the server, And the crash report supports their claims.
  4. I am listening and the decision is final you aren't getting un-ban
  5. It would be possible but it would be better if we upgrade specs first if we do
  6. I'm sorry but I tried looking for your ban but I cannot find it?
  7. The problem with you was the duped items not a bugged inventory.
  8. When whitelist goes on it means its for staff to check things out. Someone must of gotten a bugged item with EE or something all fixed. Deleted their inv
  9. Actually our host was the cause of this lag,Our server is now lag free ever since we changed host.And I ban you, Shadow was changing all the signs at spawn and I was vanished and warned someone was dropping stacks of diamonds blocks and red matter so I teleported to spawn and checked out what was going on and checked your inventory and saw all those diamond blocks and red matter and considering you haven't played the server for long it kinda obvious that you either stole them,Duped them or got them for a player. I investigated this and asked the people you lived with, POW and a couple others and they said they didn't give you any of these items and that you gave them all the materials to make over a stack of mk3.
  10. You had 10 stacks of diamond blocks....We checked the records of the chest,Nothing.So busy chilling at spawn?We are always busy helping out our players as much as we can.And yes I afk a lot at Spawn because the server doesn't maintain its self, I'm constantly updating plugins changing configs,Trying to keep lag to minium..We know what we are doing, You got ban for a reason.
  11. Your on the temp map/server. New one is being worked on right now
  12. Unban, Sorry but considering how busy I am and the countless reports on the Mumble and /msg I had no choice.
  13. Geez, I said it before I am, The server files are over 1gb its not gonna be instant.....
  14. Working a new host right now, Just uploading all the files!
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