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Everything posted by Blackie_life

  1. Guelmy Is a new admin and still being thought, He is new to rollbacking that stuff, Don't worry I'll fix it
  2. Haven't been doing anything?I have been building the main town along with my builders,Been fixing all the crashes and whats that?I fixed them.You don't get ban for making a emc farm......We nerfed them to make it harder.I agree with you on Hot_Doy he took it too far and has been removed from the server.
  3. Will be posting all the info on kits and updates on the website later on today
  4. Are you still having this problem?If so whats your minecraft name?
  5. Working on the new map/spawn. In the new system everyone will have access to a one time kit.More will be announced on the website
  6. Working on the website design and forum but heres the link of the forums http://gfgaming.org/forum/index.php
  7. Hawkeye is a good one if you have a MySQL server, If you don't there is CoreProtect. But you can't rollback what was done before you installed the plugin.
  8. If you have Worldguard installed you can turn off sand and gravel from falling when there isn't a block underneath it
  9. The nether is brand new........We regen it atleast once a week
  10. Putting signs up for warning is just fine aslong as you aren't luring people into your home
  11. I did nothing to your home.....I do not have enough time to go blow up your home when I have way more important things to do. The mod never told you the damage was done by me....... You did lure people in there was portals everywhere in the nether with signs trying to lure people in with gifts. It killed quite a lot of people too.
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