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Everything posted by Blackie_life

  1. 40 people don't talk all at once.... We have different chat channels, You only get warnings for breaking minor rules and it ain't an insta ban it takes 5 warnings to get ban and you are notified about each warning. I'm always on the server just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not on, Admins have vanish powers....Meaning you can't see them at all when they are vanished and if I'm not on the server I would be looking at the console.
  2. You were ban for having too many warnings. Ban appeals go on our forums gfgaming.org
  3. Server is back up was done for about 10 minutes due to a MySQL error
  4. The website is nearly finished just need to add more information on ranks and ban items and such
  5. Working on adding a PvP arena and finishing building the Mob arena
  6. Well spleef is working fine apart from a few lag spikes time to time
  7. Will be working on adding more features to the server like Spleef and other things
  8. The new website is up now. Same domain as before www.gfgaming.org
  9. I got the inv setup just need for you to be only and give you the stuff
  10. Logs aren't the easiest thing to search around when it records everything, Give her some time, Be patient or since you don't care why keep fighting?
  11. I watched your whole conversation with this "mod" She was being nice to you and calmly telling you the new rule and to change your quarry but you choose to ignore the rules and what she was saying and you were just rude with her and cursing at her, She warned you and you raged and wouldn't stop cursing at her and had a couple of people on the server telling you to calm down but you ignored it.
  12. Server will be down for a little while no idea when it will be up due to a host issue EDIT: Issue is now fixed and server is up
  13. In future post this on the gfgaming forums or poke me on teamspeak
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