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Everything posted by anoydk

  1. Name: Ant Age: 17 IGN: Fx_El3ctrify Why you want to join: i love aotbt Favorite Mod: mfr Time Zone: pacific Skype: adawgfp
  2. In Game Name: Fx_El3ctrify Age: 16 Skype: adawgfp Will you record(if yes channel link please): no
  3. In Game Name*: Fx_El3ctrify Skype: adawgfp Do you want to be in the skype group?: sure Age*: 16 Maturity Level(1-10)*: 6.9 almost to a 7
  4. Name: Anthony Age: 15 IGN: Fx_El3ctrify Why you want to join: to have some fun with a small group of people Favorite Mod: thermal expansion Skype: adawgfp
  5. Application IGN: Fx_El3ctrify Age: 17 Timezone: Pacific About You: I like building crazy machines for really simple things Why you Want to Join: I want to build in peace on a server with no fear of getting greifed What are you good at in this modpack: Building How often will you be on: approx 20 hours a week
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