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Posts posted by JaariAtmc

  1. Please try to make sure that your NVIDIA card is used. This particular issue is because of the drivers of your Intel graphics driver. It affects minecraft up to 1.7.10.

    Copied below from the Technic Discord, hence the formatting looking a bit wonky:




    I use Intel integrated graphics and my Minecraft looks like solid colors/looks wrong

    You'll need to rollback to this version of the driver: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/19344/685037/intel-graphics-windows-dch-drivers.html.

    If the download there isn't working, use https://web.archive.org/web/20230518090616/https://downloadmirror.intel.com/685037/igfx_win_101.1069.exe.

    (If your system has a dual GPU system like Nvidia Optimus then it's best if you set Java to run on the dedicated GPU)



  2. Known issue, is being worked on. Forge changed something with their installers, which causes the "wrapper" that Technic uses to start Forge to not work properly anymore for a bunch of new versions of Minecraft. I think the cut-off version is like 1.16.

    However, it's not a simple case of updating the wrapper, as that breaks almost all older modpacks.

  3. On 9/9/2023 at 5:23 PM, Luneth14 said:

    Going off of 8GB allocated, the used varies from 12% to 34% depending on the modpack, still stutters every few seconds though.
    I've tried going down lower to 4GB, but the stutter issue doesn't stop and the only change is that used memory % is twice as much as it was in 8GB.

    The amount allocated doesn't matter here, as you are only using about 1 GB to about 2.7 GB for the modpacks. Are you sure you aren't experiencing thermal throttling of your cpu/gpu while playing minecraft? You can check this by downloading programs like CPU-Z or HWiNFO (HWiNFO preferred by myself).

  4. On 9/1/2023 at 3:36 AM, aussielynx said:

    Of course they don't answer. They don't even test the applications. Just let us work for them for free ay

    Right, because the forums is absolutely filled with this exact issue. I looked through the discord, we have exactly 10+8 messages which cover the two errors present, all are for different things, all were fixed by restarting the launcher once, twice or thrice, with the exception of a bug fix for something related but unrelated to this back in 2021. So yes, we don't test for edge cases that are 1 in a 10 million chance of happening.

  5. The alternative to downgrading your intel drivers is using a dedicated gpu. Considering you bought a laptop, there's a fair chance you only have integrated graphics, thus you have to downgrade your drivers.

    The alternative is playing minecraft 1.8+ modpacks exclusively. This only affects minecraft versions up to 1.7.10.

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