So I'm going to keep this short and to the point. My friend created a modpack and shared it with me, and I've encountered a problem. The downloading of the pack goes smoothly, but when I click the play button, it loads, closes the technic window, then just loads it back up again without ever loading the modpack. I've searched google for a while and none of the answers have solved the problem, so I decided to bring it to you guys.
For some reason the link button isn't working for me, so I'll leave you with the relative urls.
Link to pack:
Link to modpack on technic website:
Thanks! If there is any other info you need let me know. (Also first time posting, so I hope I got this in the right forum)
EDIT: I just looked at previous posts and it appears someone else is having this problem, however he is having it with ALL modpacks (to my understanding). My error only happens with mine. Tekkit, etc, load fine.