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  1. The community servers for this modpack are now reopened. New Discord: https://discord.gg/eQmpVnp
  2. Server is back up and better than ever. http://tekkitcore.enjin.com
  3. Uploaded our Discord into the post.
  4. [ In "Never Bored Again" you can do anything from making factories using the machinery in Minefactory Reloaded and ComputerCraft, or you can tinker with the power armor from Modular Powersuits, and even morph into creatures or other players that you've bested in battle! You can make secret rooms in your house using the SecretRooms mod, and OpenBlocks! Either delve into magic with Ars Magica and Witchery, or go straight to the steel with Tinker's Construct! This modpack truely has no limits to the possibilities, and thanks to Carpenter's Blocks, you can also build to your heart's desires! The modpack comes preinstalled with our server in the multiplayer section if you wish to play with other people! My Community Forum Post + How to Install <-- List of mods included Technic Modpack Listing Our Discord: https://discord.gg/cZmPjsV
  5. Server IP: This is the official release of TekkitCore's Hexxit Server. We expect that while playing the server, you're mature and polite to other players. We are aiming towards a mature, family friendly community. I made this server because I've been working with servers for 5 years, and I have regained my love for Minecraft. Hexxit was my fourth modpack. I decided to go public because I merged with a gaming network that didn't yet have a Minecraft division. Since then we've split away our merger and went our seperate ways. I know that with my knowledge and troubleshooting skills that come along with a minecraft server, this can be a great opportunity for everybody. I have plenty of experience owning, managing, and moderating servers. I hope to see you play with us! Server Rules: Use Common Sense No duplicating/exploiting No hacking/cheating No griefing server structures such as spawn No items or mods are banned. If people decide to exploit bugs with mods to grief spawn or cause any internal server damage, then we'll have to start banning things. Info: No banned items Expected Uptime: 24/7 Our Discord: https://discord.gg/cZmPjsV Our Website Our primary server plugins: Essentials Factions WorldEdit
  6. Blaze rod farms aren't patched whatsoever, the harvest goddess band on DM ped was disabled temporarily as were Chunk Loaders so we could patch all the issues. These have been unrestricted since June 9th. As for the issue with Memo_Militia, there was something on your end. If anyone sees this issue again, you can just log out and then log back into the technic launcher. I'll be keeping this listing updated, but as of now, the server is still up and going, as are our forums.
  7. I have this issue right now.
  8. I agree with plowmanplow. Don't resell open source scripts, skiddie.
  9. Thins like the Destruction Catalyst can bypass that ^
  10. There are now banned items to even things out ingame. Trusted members and donators get access to the items. Earn "Trusted" with playtime.
  11. I keep getting an error when I try to use Dropbox. Are there any alternatives?
  12. Server IP: This is the official release of TekkitCore's Tekkit Classic. We expect that while playing the server, you're mature and polite to other players. We are aiming towards a mature, family friendly community. I made this server because I've been working with servers for 5 years, and I have regained my love for Minecraft. Tekkit Classic was my first modpack. I decided to go public because I merged with a gaming network that didn't yet have a Minecraft division. I know that with my knowledge and troubleshooting skills that come along with a minecraft server, this can be a great opportunity for everybody. I have plenty of experience owning, managing, and moderating servers. I hope to see you play with us! Server Rules: Use Common Sense No duplicating/exploiting No hacking/cheating No griefing server structures such as spawn No items or mods are banned. If people decide to exploit bugs with mods to grief spawn or cause any internal server damage, then we'll have to start banning things. Info: No banned items Expected Uptime: 24/7 Teamspeak: Our Website Our primary server plugins: Essentials Factions TekkitRestrict WorldEdit
  13. Server IP: This is the official release of TekkitCore's Attack of the B-Team server. We expect that while playing the server, you're mature and polite to other players. We are aiming towards a mature, family friendly community. I made this server because I've been working with servers for 5 years, and I have regained my love for Minecraft. Attack of the B-Team is one of my favorite modpacks out there. I decided to go public because I merged with a gaming network that didn't yet have a Minecraft division. I know that with my knowledge and troubleshooting skills that come along with a minecraft server, this can be a great opportunity for everybody. I have plenty of experience owning, managing, and moderating servers. I hope to see you play with us! Server Rules: Use Common Sense No duplicating/exploiting No hacking/cheating No griefing server structures such as spawn No items or mods are banned. If people decide to exploit bugs with mods to grief spawn or cause any internal server damage, then we'll have to start banning things. Info: Expected Uptime: 24/7 Teamspeak: ts.squadgaming.net Our Website Our primary server plugins: ChestShop CoreProtect Essentials Factions (with Factions+) WorldEdit Vault Votifier Banned Items:Block Mover - Bypass to griefEntity Mover - Bypass to allow mobs into spawnLuggage - DuplicationMagnetic Force - Force TP to playersMaster's Staff - Bypass to grief spawnPresent - Duplication
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