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Everything posted by CircuitLord

  1. I have the following: An i5-6500, Radeon R9 380, Samsung 950 pro m.2 ssd, ASRock motherboard, and 8 gigs of ddr4 ram.
  2. I'm aware of the risk, but do you know how to answer my original question?
  3. Don't worry, I know about removing bloat ware and trial ware, I built this pc myself, it has none of that. Also, I'm not talking about boot times, I'm talking about the time it takes to open modpacks.
  4. Hey guys, CircuitLord here! I just got a new gaming pc with a m.2 ssd. It has the capability to read at 2200 MB/s, and write at 900 MB/s. However, my load time for mod packs is EXACTLY the same as my friend who had a hard drive. After monitoring my game opening, I found that my ssd was only running at an average of 1mb/s. Is this a technic launcher bottleneck? If so, is there a java argument or setting I can change to allow the technic launcher to use my ssd's full pontential? Thanks for the help guys! "I know this is in the wrong section probabley, sorry. It wouldn't let me post in the one I thought was for stuff like this."
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