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Posts posted by Modversity_Gameing

  1. that was the real one (if you are the people how saw Dexter Laboratory on his childhood you may recognize that phrase) as i told you was a harmless joke

    The mod probably thought you where being insulting or something.

    Now, what in the world is "Dexter Laboratory"?

  2. Re: Metropolis Blog

    Errr no... we're currently making another modpack = 8) to enhance ssp. After I've finished learning java I'll be able to help out with our other projects *wink* But if you do have suggestions for mods feel free to suggest and you will get credit if we make your idea a reality ;)

    I once made a mod-pack. It worked like the yogbox! I didn't put a DL link because it had Better Than Wolfs. Flower Child would have a fit.
  3. Cheese omelet? Ill have one!

    The reason you were "Banned" is because you were probated!

    That means you were proven wrong. THAT'S RIGHT! YOUR CHEESE OMELET IS WRONG!

    I don't know why you were probated.

    If your post was edited then please tell us you real one. Only an idiot would write cheese omelet!

  4. Re: Metropolis Blog

    I'm sorry guys but I'm going to have less time for technic :'( , however I'm going to join a small modding group and start making mods for you guys so don't be sad(who knows perhaps one day they'll be in technic too :P ). I might still post in my blog from time to time but my frequency of posts is going to significantly drop. I hope to one day resurrect the city in the form of a server...

    Will it be a cannon. Filled with nukes? And its portable? With automatic arrow cannons? And makes gigantic loud boom sounds? With fire too? ... Too much?
  5. Re: Metropolis Blog

    You mean a video recording... intresting. Am i too late to do that? Also won't that take up loads of space... maybe i should finish everything then give a tour in video format showcasing how everything came to be.

    I have the stuff for it on my computer already, as soon as tekkit comes out I will set up a place for you. I can record while you show off the stuff. If you want...
  6. Re: Metropolis Blog

    Ah it's good to see another violent assosciate full of wicked plans to eradicate the inhabitants of the realms of Minecraft....

    If the evil little Steves are still there, then remember: The AI to the morons are horrible, make them fall into a purposely place lava pit. Or a ravine. Or a ravine with lava and a telsa coil filled with TNT and a pressure pad, with your weapons ready (Knifes, Musket, Flail, Rocket launcher, Etc.).
  7. Re: Metropolis Blog

    That's why im coming back prepared Ill go nuke those evil little midget steves! Musket the one that sneaks up on me and lay waste to their main hideout with the cannon followed by some carefully placed dynamite to lock em in... did i mention the pretty pretty explosions?

    Maybe build a telsa coil from IDC2. Give it some energy and a redstone signal. Then watch as the Midgets disintegrate! There will be faint screams. Ignore that. There will be strawberry jelly everywhere. Ignore that. There will be reinforcements, Get the TNT ready.
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