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Dirt (1/9)



  1. Thanks, I just had to relaunch the game.
  2. Nevermind, I found them.
  3. I skimmed it. My real recommendation is that food is brutal here. There's a mod installed that makes the food restored from each item go down each time you eat it. That means until you have a variety of plants, hunger is incredibly valuable. Jumping, running and the like can kill you (I kid you not). Keep your hunger bar safe and plant some food.
  4. It doesn't really matter to me where I start. Alpha is most convenient as in the first five days I can go to Marble shrine and then swamp delta. Purify the island right away (maybe one day to do) and you have a great, really easy base. After that, do normal progression up to steel and then you can shoot straight to Alien mining levels in about half an hour.(realtime) Don't want to spoil how to do it, but it's really really easy if you know what you're doing.
  5. No, I've almost beaten the game and didn't need to unlock ender-pearls. I don't want to give a spoiler that you might not want, but try completing some of the easier quests first... One of those unlocks it for you.
  6. If you're using technic you have to allow technic to access your RAM. On the upper right of the server's window there's a button that says "Launcher Options" with a gear next to it. Click on it. Another sub-window should pop up saying launcher options. There are four tabs across the top of it, you're currently on the "General Settings" tab. Click on the tab directly to the right, "Java Settings" It should now show the boxes "Minecraft Java Version" "Memory" and "Java Args." Click on Memory to choose how much RAM to let Technic access enough RAM!
  7. I was playing Blightfall and I somehow pressed a button that did horrible things. My health-bar, hands, item slots, etc. are all gone. I can see the screen and still mine things and the like, but it's insanely difficult without even cross hairs. It's like I'm in some sort of cinematic mode. Please help! I don't want to lose all of my progress.
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