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Everything posted by Spyder1977

  1. Nice! InGameName: 5N4K321 About me: Mature, friendly, survivalist. I generally enjoy things more if I have to work to get it. (Like crab legs! mmmhmmm!) So I prefer Survival mode, and going from rags to riches, in a way. Also enjoy building elaborate structures and contraptions. Very familiar with Tekkit, mods, and plugins. Location: Pittsburgh, PA (US) Why Tekkitia?: We have a small (4 slot) Tekkit server that a few friends and I manage and hang out on. Aside from having a good time, we're primarily interested in learning, using blocks in tricky new ways, setting up mob grinders, automating just about everything that we can, and also putting time into making nice looking buildings/communities. Not always are we on at the same time however, and it would be interesting to see how others do things. From structures, to machines, or even community and economy. It sounds like this server is what I'm looking for. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Absolutely. I have no interest in being troublesome or destructive. I'm also not at all interested in PVP. *Edit* - Just cleaning up the format of my response. Most everything was in bold.
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