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About Atum262

  • Birthday 02/14/1998

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  • Interests
    Sandbox games, RTS games, TBS games, FPS games, Simulation games.
  • Minecraft In-Game Name

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  1. Some administrator has already replied to a question similar to this. He said: "IIRC thats a solder feature". But what does it mean? What is a solder feature? Could someone tell me, please?
  2. Can anyone please tell me a step by step how can I put a persionalized icon in my modpack so every time I open it, the icon of my modpack will appear in windows taskbar instead of the default Minecraft icon? Please! This can't be that hard. I can't find anyone explaining about this anywhere!
  3. Oh I understand, thank you for the information Munaus! I will research more info about construction of modpacks, mods and java programming.
  4. Hello forum colleagues, moderators and administrators, I would like to say to you that most of the mods that existed on Hexxit 1.5.2 and 1.6.4 exist for Minecraft version 1.7.10. I would like to help with a possible Hexxit 1.7.10 version. Would it be possible? Here is a list of the mods available for Minecraft version 1.7.10 that existed in Hexxit versions 1.5.2 and 1.6.4: Ars Magica 2 AnimationAPI Antique Atlas Armor Bar (present in Project Zulu) Artifice Ancient Warfare 2 Backpacks Back Tools Battle Towers More Bows 2 (More Bow!) Better Dungeons Better Furnaces Better Storage BiblioCraft bspkrsCore Buff Bar (present in Project Zulu) Butterfly Mania Carpenter's Blocks Chest Transporter ChocoCraft CodeChicken Core Damage Indicators Dimensional Doors Dynamic Lights Enchanting Plus ExtrabiomesXL FinderCompass Hexxit Gear iChunUtil Infernal Mobs Inventory Tweaks LegacyJavaFixer LegendGear 2 (LegendGear) Lost Books Lycanites Mobs Magic Yarn Mapwriter Falling Meteors Natura Necromancy NEI Addons (NEI Plugins) NotEnoughItems OffLawn! OpenEye qCraft Project Zulu Reliquary Roguelike Dungeons RopePlus Ruins SecretRoomsMod Soul Shards TConstruct Treecapitator Twilight Forest Waila Wild Caves Zelda Sword Skill Immibis core Immibis microblocks Obsidiplates RottenFleshToLeather CustomPortForge Ps: Harken Scythe and Asgardian Shield do not exist for Minecraft 1.7.10. I don't know if the creator of Hexxit would like to put Zelda Sword Skill and LegendGear together.
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