I figured out what was resetting my chunks. Teleport Pipes. The second I put one in, the game got screwy, so I restarted. when it came back up, the chunk the pipe was in was reset. Has anyone else had this?
Trying to alter the textures in minecraft. I started simple, changing the moon. how do I go about going from 16x16 to 32x32? when I open the file in my editor, the smaller things are 1 pixel, I can't subdivide that.
So All that needs to be done is make files of identical dimensions, and rename to match the existing filename? What if I wanted to make a 32x32 or greater? is there something else that must be done? or do I simply chenge the resolution of the files I create?
I'm just getting into the idea of making my own pack. How do I go about doing this? Is it different making a x64 pack than it is an x16 pack? I just need help to get started.
ok I downloaded, do I need to put it into a specific folder? run a particular file? I couldn't get it to work last night, though I did have it on the desktop...