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  1. Really all I can give you is the mods I don't exactly have a console clip of it quitting mods https://pastebin.com/dTEZnb5F
  2. There is one other thing Et Futurum for some reason makes my minecraft character use an error skin https://pastebin.com/UuhcVcV0
  3. This makes me salty https://pastebin.com/dsARRYtN
  4. I didn't see the .exe whoops
  5. Its forge you have to rename it that it's weird
  6. Why won't this Badmobs config work? https://pastebin.com/WfTJTm4z
  7. Here https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3mku9cmkdmx5yv/forge-1710-clean-install.zip?dl=0
  8. Whenever I try to load up a world in my modpack it tells me "a fatal error has occurred this connection has been terminated" Can I have some help? Consoles, https://pastebin.com/1NsXZ4k5 https://pastebin.com/Q6EqfbEA https://pastebin.com/DJqdfhrH https://pastebin.com/8z9WV99R https://pastebin.com/CbVhBTuM https://pastebin.com/9zpUrDKi https://pastebin.com/3gcCPUkL https://pastebin.com/KH98wHgQ https://pastebin.com/PESw3Sgn https://pastebin.com/yXdE0NEr https://pastebin.com/iU3THVe9 It didn't let me put the last one so I'll put it in dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4igjir3o0weg2s/Final console.txt?dl=0 Mods, also in dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/nufu8v9cs9n916w/All updated mods.txt?dl=0
  9. I Generated a world in my custom modpack and it won't load! Can i have some help? I think this has something to do with "snowman stat IDs" Here's the console and mods. Console https://pastebin.com/jZR0xjx7 Mods https://pastebin.com/zDJwZma2
  10. I got it to launch and load by removing candycraft and rancraft penguins also added i few mods because I thought it was working its not when I try to make a world it crashes think it has something to do with "stat.killEntity.SnowMan" So only thing i can guess is that a snow golem is broken crash report and new modlist. Mods https://pastebin.com/NR3Q6WGq Report https://pastebin.com/LdUqZXtS
  11. What am i suppose to change the ID to?
  12. its the pig
  13. How do i open it?
  14. I added candycraft back because I figured out that it conflicted with the morph mod but i think that made it worse. Removed the mutant creatures mod too. Console, https://pastebin.com/22dGkwC0
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