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Posts posted by linkthegamer

  1. Re: so sick of youtube f-....arts. <3

    windows support forums are quite fun to watch.

    Not so much when you are trying to figure out why windows decided &quot;You know what... i am going to run chkdsk /f (or whatever) reset ever single secuirty ID and break the computer and the the only support is &quot;Yeah, windows 7 64-bit does that sometimes, Reinstall.&quot;

  2. That's pretty much it.

    But hey, don't worry. The upside is you'll get access to all the brilliant mods that in all likelihood are better than Bethesda's which 360 owners won't get. Or you could be the pragmatic gamer and buy the console, pirate the PC version. I'll be fucked if I *ever* pay twice for one game for the privilege of playing it on two different devices. I don't get to charge clients twice for writing a website that works on two browsers (ok, I do charge them extra for making it run on stupid browsers, but still, not double...).

    No PC game has DRM if the users don't want it to have DRM. It's just that sometimes PC developers waste time creating DRM that doesn't work &lt;.&lt; But that's Windows gimpware for you. 9 times out of 10 you have to apply an unofficial patch to fix the built-in bugs it ships with ^.^

    As for linux support, hah. That'll be the day. The desktop environment will be a thing of the forgotten past before mainstream games work natively on linux. On the other hand OnLive works fine afaik. I don't have the bandwidth for it personally or I'd already be subscribed and have one less reason to have any Microsoft malware running on any of my machines.

    Yeah not a fan of buying the same thing multiple times... Heck I even don't like when a magazine has collector covers so you have to buy 4 copies to have them all. I more like the idea, buy once play wherever. One thing I like on the Legends of Yore website was the texts &quot;If you've bought the mobile version and don't want to pay again, contact me and we'll get it sorted out&quot; that just seems more like how it should be done.

    The Linux thing is just like an extra bonus, It's not a huge factor. If Linux compatibility for a game is a must for someone then I hope they love arena shooters (Really... how many of those things are there?). I have tried onlive and it works nicely, too bad my ISP has a data cap and university internet had been sucking horribly lately.

  3. Re: so sick of youtube f-....arts. <3

    I have a hard time imagining keyboards going away for serious text input. In all likelihood voice recognition technology will never get that last little bit to &quot;good enough to be generally&quot; until we have a serious breakthrough in artificial intelligence. We might get something more exotic like key gloves with haptic response that simulate real keyboards or just direct neural input before they solve the voice to text problem :P Maybe that's too pessimistic, but even then, you can't write code efficiently with voice.

    &quot;function foo open parenthesis capital int dollar sign bar close parenthesis open curly bracket return return capital system period out open parenthesis open doublequote capital hello capital world exclamation point close doublequote plus dollarsign bar dot camelcase tostring open parenthesis close parenthesis close parenthesis semicolon return return close curly bracket&quot;

    ... nah, I'll pass. :) I type faster than I talk even when I'm not describing code blocks. Wireless bluetooth keyboards are pretty handy though.

    I think we are talking about the same video. The lack of branding just meant &quot;this is all microsoft&quot; to me. Especially since it was pushing a bunch of their new technology or subtly hinting at evolutions to existing tech. Thing is Microsoft is playing catchup or completely blindsided in *every single category* in the video from cloud computing to mobile hardware and software to artificial intelligence. The only thing they still lead in is traditional office productivity and enterprise support, and that's the only place they're likely to hold on to (and then only if the hipster companies who are ditching their desktops in favor of iPads don't start a trend...).

    Notably I just saw some stats today that tablets *alone* almost equaled desktops in sales last year, let alone other mobile devices (although laptops are still a pretty big piece of the pie).

    That would make sense. They are mobile, fast (Due to lightweight mobile OSes), and connect to the internet. For most people Email and Facebook is all something needs to be their perfect computer now a days.

  4. Re: so sick of youtube f-....arts. <3

    I think Microsoft is out of the running personally (if you're talking about that little fantasy tech demo they released a while ago with the microsoft-branded smart gadgets). I think they're way too crufty and entrenched in their culture and way of doing things to keep up with the changes in the market. I also think it's absurd to believe that we'll ever return to a paradigm where a single company is providing a majority (let alone the totality) of services.

    Edit: I should clarify, I mean out of the running for mobile devices and probably for consumer OS in general (we'll see how Windows 8 tablets do). They're not going anywhere any time soon even if it means pulling an Oracle and patent trolling for two decades.

    When the market shift is over the reason it will have happened is that people genuinely don't miss the old way of doing things, because the new way is so much better in so many ways. So I'm guessing you might not miss desktops as much as you think, much like I don't think people are going to miss physical media - books, movie &amp; music discs, etc as much as they think. But we'll see. Every individual is different. Some of us just like old-timey things for nostalgia or personal preference. I know a young writer who *still* uses a typewriter despite the obvious objective advantages of modern document editing, just because he likes the experience of it. That doesn't force anybody to support his typewriter though, nor will people keep making new typewriters for people like him (I don't know if anybody is making them anymore as a matter of fact, and parts are getting harder to find). Lots of people still use feature phones or run old versions of their operating systems too even though nobody supports them or provides new software for them anymore.

    I actually briefly see the start of a biography on one channel where a Texan writer used a typewriter because &quot;Computers and the internet are tools of the devil.&quot;

    Also i'm not sure that is the same one. The one i saw was distributing because it lacked ANY Microsoft branding. Which seems to hint their vision was to render everything else so obsolete they no longer need to brand anything with that cutesy Windows logo. Also read that most that tech in it existed or is well on it's way and most of that the Microsoft video was saying is they will acquire the technology and vanillafy it for mass distribution. Doubt that will actually happen though.

    Anyway the relevance of the video, I guess, was a desktop/laptop was never shown the computer was some kind of phone, the floor, the newspaper, a Datapad (looks like a tablet but clear), the newspaper, a wall, your coffee mug (what ever did happen to Microsoft Surface), A console an airplane, etc. The closest to a Desktop was the large Holo-Console being used by the architect.

    I don't think I will miss everything about computers, but I do test not having a keyboard on my phone. Once gesture or voice recognition pan out it will not be so ban. Really the only thing I like about current computers is you have a lot more openness that is currently not in phones or consoles without voiding a warranty and jeopardizing your data service. Oh well, just have to wait and see.

  5. Re: so sick of youtube f-....arts. <3

    Trends can change, yes, but I'm not talking about &quot;fads&quot;, I'm talking about &quot;market momentum&quot;, the kind of thing that market analysts use in order to steer the direction of major companies. To some extent perception of market trends is reality because when gigantic companies forecast the future they invest in it to the exclusion of other things, and that shapes what choices consumers have. When major game publishers say &quot;stop making PC games, mobiles and consoles are the future&quot; you can bet 2 years down the road you're going to have more mobile and console games to choose from than PC games, and that's going to influence your hardware buying decisions, which just further reinforces their commitment to consoles and mobiles. That's what has been happening lately, anyway.

    Indie games like Minecraft are definitely important, but it may surprise you to know that it's generally easier to develop them for consoles and the web than it is for PCs for a variety of reasons. PCs are a pain in the ass to work with even in the modern age because they're not a homogenous environment. You've got 3 different versions of windows, Mac (if you care, same for Linux), 2 different instruction sets (x86 and x64, and really a couple others but nobody makes games for them anymore/yet) 2 different 3d rendering layers each with huge variations in specific feature support based on user-selected hardware, obscene numbers of different individual hardware configurations each with their own issues that have to be accounted for, etc. etc. Hardware abstraction layers make some of this easier, and languages like Java which run in virtual machines also make it easier at the cost of performance, but it's certainly not as straightforward as a guarantee that 100% of the people you're writing code for run the *exact same environment*.

    Mobile devices share some of the above issues but their APIs and the design patterns that have evolved over the years help to ease the pain a bit (now the really big issue is dealing with the huge range of performance and screen sizes, not so much the architecture).

    The biggest implication of these trends, however, is that a new generation of gamers is not being raised with PC gaming. For example, my kid spends more time on my android tablet and XBox than on the PC. For him the mobile computing environment is the default paradigm, and the computer is a funny old thing like a typewriter is to us. The only thing it's good for is Starcraft and Minecraft, heh.

    Anyway like I said, if you don't believe me, wait 5 years. In 2017 if the global economy hasn't collapsed or the United States or India or Israel hasn't triggered World War III we'll talk again. ;)

    Will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Also waiting to see if Microsoft vision for 2019 pans out any. We are nearing a very shaky ground right now in this topic. Going to miss the computer if it dies out. Consoles and Phones are on a trend of being more restrictive in what you can do. However like some article have stated, 80% or so of what the average person does is becoming independent of what platform they use, so long as that platform can access the web. Also I suppose while computer are more upgradable that people will still want to use or develop for consoles/phones as they have, as state, a homogenous environment, and provide smoother experiences, it is the same reason people find macs more stable and reliable, they have a limited hardware spectrum and those only a few drivers have to be coded and most every configuration can be tested.

  6. Unfortunately, most of that's do-able. Stealing/selling accounts, not so much, but deleting/corruping saves and MC...yup. Just some fairly simple file I/O.

    EDIT: Well, thinking about it for a few seconds more, your MC is probably safe, as you need to run MC to run the mod. I can think of some ways around that too, though.

    Yeah like i said i'm not a wiz. Didn't know if you could at least send lastlogin file data to a server to sell/give away that or some such. Just sad any of what i said is possible in the first place.

  7. Yeah, I mean the current one seems harmless enough but it shows a disturbing new possibility.

    My fear is something along the line of this: &quot;I am a mod maker. I made a mod, Jay? made a mod like mine. I HATE Jay? for that. I decide that anyone who uses his mod must be punished. I have the program send me their info so i can blacklist them and sell the account to greifers. I also decide they do not deserve their saves or minecraft so i execute code (if possible, i am not a java wiz) to FUBAR all their saves and even minecraft itself.&quot; All it would take is one nutjob to feel such a measure is justified.

    I am trying to use Forestry to see how it is useful... some of the stuff from &quot;Tekkit with Duncan&quot; looked quite nice.

  8. Flowerchild considers a spotlight about his mod to be an attack because he's a fucking psychopath. There's really not much more to it than that.

    His problem was he took the video as &quot;LOOK AT THIS AWESOME MODPACK BY KAKERMIX&quot; not &quot;LOOK AT THIS AWESOME MODPACK BY KAKERMIX THAT FEATURES AWESOME MODS BY MANY AWESOME MODDERS.&quot; (capslocks cause I imagine the FU would be shouted)

    I wish that if modders claim they asked for the mod to be removed and it wasn't they would post a snapshot of the email and any reply. If they proved kaker said &quot;Nu uh.&quot; when asked to remove a mod I would actually side with them and say &quot;Kaker don't be an ass a remove the mod.&quot;

    So far the ONLY problems I see with Technic are it lacks some permissions and MIGHT have not removed mods requesting removal. Neither of those are a reason to get panties and manties bunched up. If would be worse if the pack actually made money or the pack says &quot;EVERYTHING MADE BY KAKERMIX&quot;. Oh well... some people just like drama.

  9. Keys expire 24 hours after they are sent. Key requests expire 3 hours after though, so I can see where you got that from.

    Regardless, I was on my computer at the time I got it (12:00 exactly) and had tried to use it within about half an hour.

    Ahh... must have blend that with the one above it, I do that sometimes.

    I just got an account, it is a pain in the ass.

    I looked it up though on their forums and they have had recent problems with the server sometimes not recognizing correct keys. So keep trying!

    Personally, what I did was use all my different emails (I have 3) to maximize my chances, you can do that if you don't care what email is chosen.

    Edit: Oh, by the way, you know how they have guilds? We should make a Technic Guild. :P

    I see now problem with that, I will join once the planets align and the reg system gives me a key.

  10. Re: so sick of youtube f-....arts. <3

    I use both Windows (XP and Win7) and Linux (Ubuntu and Mint) because i like to experiment with different things , I also like to see what makes different distros work and how they differ.

    I have never understood why people rage on one or the other , they both have good and bad points .

    Use what you want and like or do like me and use all of them (working on setting up a Mac now ) and have fun with it.

    They rage because this is the internet.

    I have wanted to triboot but I don't have a mac and Hackintosh just doesn't seem to cut it on my computer,

  11. What a cool concept. I'm surprised it hasn't been smacked with takedown notices though. Wish I had time to check this out, could be fun.

    It has the most impressive registration system ever. It beats that Random Number generator that made you solve a complex math equation to use (hint: you just needed to use wolfram alpha). You will need a lot of time just to get a key to get on it.

  12. Re: so sick of youtube f-....arts. <3

    I agree and fixed it.

    No need to be soryr for the swearing though. One Bad ASS Cat knows where it's at. Swears are fine. Fucking Buch!!!!

    Good to know. Fucker be reaching into the future and stealing Dre's beats (no not the headphones).

    If linux made my computer so efficient that it generated power instead if using it and made the USB ports dispense beer. I still wouldn't use it if it can't run the games I like.

    Yeah I know Linux and Mac users like to rage on windows because they have some religious affiliation with their Operating systems and setups but if Linux or Mac were so great that they rendered Windows redundant then there wouldn't be hundreds of programs out there for emulating Windows on Linux and Mac.

    I mean when was the last time someone came asking for a way emulate OSX or Linux in Windows? They don't. Because they already runs windows and so they're set.

    The very fact that Linux users need so much validation proves how little they think of Linux in the first place. If Linux was the answer then they would just use it and be happy (Like most windows users) but instead they make these shitty videos and start attacking windows users.

    I don't want to get in a fight okay. The reason WINE (and it's payed derivatives) exist is because Windows has the biggest market share and uses proprietary code. Most programs are made for Windows only (like games) and their is just no FOSS replacement for some (photoshop, MS Office's higher end functions).

    Also there is Cygwin, it emulates linux in windows. Also andlinux (no i did not forget a space, that is the name) and colinux which let you run linux in windows (32bit windows at least).

    I do agree some are insecure and do make shitty attack videos, but windows users are not completely innocent. Fanatical windows users will find linux videos and say &quot;Linux is fucking shit you stupid geeks. Aero kicks Compiz ass&quot;. so it is not just Linux users attacking windows for e-peen points.

    In the end here is my motto: &quot;Use what ever you want and STFU about it.&quot; Vi or Emac, 360 or PS3, AMCO or Technic, just STFU and be happy. If I want to use X then let me, Y has it's own sites, I will hang with other Xer and you can hang with other Yer and we can all be happy. At least that is how I see it,

    Note: I will occasionally make fun of windows, not because I hate it but because I find it fun.

  13. Re: so sick of youtube fags

    i was bored and looking up linux vs windows benchmark tests on youtube when i came across this video:


    the video itself was misleading, but there was not much to rage about. the thing that really pissed me off was that some asshole had the nerve to call all linux users basement-dwelling nerds. so naturally, i fucked him up. if you are wondering, i am hello2u08 in the posts. another thing he did was call linux LiEnucks (seriously), and then said linux was everything that it wasn't and windows was, bloated, slow, and an obnoxious interface, and is only for retards.

    As Cheapshot said this is a stupid topic and arguments on youtube are dumb. I mean youtube is a place where people will say Buch is a &quot;F__King theft.&quot; because they first heard a part of one of his symphonies in a Dr. Dre song. Every thing you like on the internet has a stereo type. I should know, I have a ton of them against me on the web.

    Also misinformation on OSes is nothing new. Here is the Internet's guide to OSes:

    Linux = Basement nerd elitist

    Windows = Idiotic conformist

    Mac = Artistic A-Hole

    Just don't read comment on anything you don't want torn to pieces. Youtube, Digg, and Slashdot are all prone to the OS holy wars in the comments.

    Also Fucking people up makes Linux users look like elitist a-holes and that f-word in the topic title is offense to homosexuals on youtube.

  14. I got a key, but due to some stupid bug it wasn't recognised. Seriously, how many people try to register each time to make it necessary to try for two weeks?

    Was it a bug or the fact keys expire 3 hours after sending?

  15. I tried playing their insidious registration system... I can't get in though. Mind telling me the email so i can make sure gmail doesn't go &quot;oh hey spam&quot; and tosses it?

  16. TotalBiscuit may be an insufferable twat at times, but he is almost always right about professional matters. Take the Witcher 2, for example: They determined that over one million copies of that game got pirated due to their non-DRM stance. Then they said they still profited. Then they put out a new free expansion, still non-DRM. Then they started planning Witcher 3.

    Some companies get it.

    Never meant all of them failed to, but the bigger one with their older executives seem to not get that DRM drives people away.

    I have a copy of Bioshock 2 with that stupid &quot;Games for Windows Live&quot; (don't get me started on that, no idea it was so hard to find games that ran on windows.[/sarcasm]) DRM on it that shuts it off when i lose internet and my wifi driver likes to crap out randomly... so fun times playing my legally bot game that will tell me i have 5 minutes or something to save before it boots me off. So I can see the benefit of the pirate version (offline mode for SP, no having it constantly phone home in case I suddenly pirate the game 45 minutes into playing it).

    The lack of DRM is one thing i like to have in a game i buy (Linux support, if possible, I the other major one).

  17. Well, Neowulf said it best. And PC gamers will yet again sink into the vicious cycle of &quot;we won't release game X on PC because it's full of entitled pirates&quot; and &quot;you won't release your game for PC so I'm going to play it anyway, too bad I couldn't just buy it huh&quot; and back and forth and to and fro went the vorpal blade snickersnack, and the beast fell dead.

    That sounds exactly like the program x for Linux catch 22 (we will not release X till condition Z is met, Z will not be met till X is released). That was the first thing I though when i heard rumors games were going up to $80 USD to combat loss from piracy (which make more people pirate it as they don't had 80, which leads to them them &quot;losing&quot; 80 instead of 60 for every pirate). Funny how businesses don't seem to get that.

    (also love the jabberwaky bit)

  18. I'm just extremely peeved over it. Exclusivity is abhorrent. I would rather it have been cross-platform paid DLC than a free platform-exclusive content patch.

    I know how you feel. I was trying to make a fun little map when I found technic and decided I wanted to attempt 2 version of it, one for vanilla then and extended version for technic. But I hate making stuff exclusive to only one group of people. Kinda feel bad saying &quot;Want a more sciencey version of this map with computers and stuff moving through pipes and stuff? Get technic. Hate technic? Install these mods using these config file changes.&quot; Just feel like a big FU to me. Just feel unless it is super hard or impossible to make it open to all there is no real need for exclusive content (If that maps, say, could not be ported to the PC because they used some bizarre function in the xbox version that can not be ported to the PC then I wouldn't mind personally).

  19. Before 1.2.5 will be in the Launcher there must be a patch for 1.2.5 in the launcher.

    Right now the patch is out for 1.2.3. But I’m pretty sure that the patch will be finished soon enough.

    Correct, 1.2.5 will come out as soon as the patch 1.2.5 to work with their newfangled custom directory layout.

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