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  1. while refunding is an option keep in mind it doesn't really make a blind bit of difference. it's Microsoft... due to it having more platforms to play on (PC, xbox, Playstation, nintendo, android...) bedrock has more players, the site promotes it over Java, if they see people refunding the purchase and reason it - "tekkit support" there going to just laugh at it. why do you think they dropped modding support for java edition? beadrock in there eyes is clearly easier to work with and more versatile "from there point of view" and at this point they update java as a courtesy. honestly bedrock edition seems to earn them more money in the long run. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360034753992-Different-Minecraft-Editions keep in mind them them dropping support for MOD is an indication there winding down the amount of development funding for java edition, they won't close the service, but it wouldn't surprise me if bedrock started getting updates before java does. I'm holding on to the spare account I ended up making when I thought i lost my old account because I know they'll get it sorted. yes i get to enjoy it now, but I really want to set up a LAN game with my fiancée and we can't yet do that because of this issue. there working on it. i can use the account i made as a LAN server.
  2. so i'm clearing out an old laptop that i used to use for online purchases and stored on there is my old minecraft login details. so now i have two copies... lol. still keep up the good work.
  3. really close is good enough for me. take the time you need to polish.
  4. dude i just buried my dad/grandad (he raised me) last week, if i was developing everything as a Passione project i would find it hard to continue and just focus on actual job work until i could get my head straight regardless of announced ETA's i think given the current climate asking for an ETA on anything that isn't a paid job is a bit much.
  5. they have a goal, getting the fix, but again, setting a time to that goal only puts pressure on them. it's not really fair to expect them to put an ETA even 3 months on something, when this donation based and a free service. if it was a genuine company then yes, because that's what all the devs do as a job, it's a commitment, a responsibility, and what there putting forward first. but this is something that's done in free time to bring fun to others. let's say they give an ETA of a month, and then the person developing the authentication with Microsoft get's a job offer that means they have less time, suddenly, one of the people there reliant on can't mean the time and they have to delay it and everyone starts demanding why they had to delay it. and then spending more time having to placate the masses. projects like this, life gets in the way, meaning the free time they have to work on it becomes adherent to what life dishes out to each developer on the team. so they either have an ETA that can change daily. causing more strife than it's worth. or they can say, "where working on it as fast as we can and be more understanding" with the knowledge that they can be flexible with what life throws at them. you are putting the rules that a project planner would have in a job based environment on the shoulders of people that do this as a passion project/donations based project. isn't that just a tad bit unfair. i get it, you paid for Minecraft, but you have Minecraft. this service is a free one. unless your willing to offer every developer here a salary to work on technic full time. be patient.
  6. is it? it's a free service there providing. I've modded out Oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3, NV & 4, dragon age and subnautica, one of the most common reasons I've seem mod authors drop of the face of the planet is people demanding an updates or new versions of mods. pretty much being hounded for the next version and then complaining when something doesn't work as intended. Technic aren't some triple A development team here that's getting paid to deliver a product. i think it's donation based. could be wrong. there aware of the solution and have a potential fix. who knows if that fix is 100% perfect. there could be unforeseen issues. that takes time. also bear in mind responding to "when" posts takes time as well. (one of the things that killed TFSs DBZA was "when broly" hounded for a year...) if they give us an ETA they have to try and stick to it and that puts them under pressure. I know everyone here wants to go on it and I get that. as a gamer myself waiting for games it one of the most annoying things. but given that getting it development quickly now means a dip in quality that they can just fix with an update. i'd rather be back with the PS2 where games where released as a finished product. however I've come to appreciate the term, "do you want it done quick or properly?" setting up a new login system might be new water for them, untested water that could turn foul any second. bear in mind there are still players with the OG Mojang account who can get on it now, when that switch is flicked, and they release the update, if they miss something it might mean they get knocked off the service because we rushed them. and then the team is in a worse off position because people did not have patience. also Microsoft is now Mojang's parent company so there the ones with final say so blame them.
  7. i think at this point asking for an ETA only takes time away from getting it done and polished. best to wait and contemplate how much of a pain Microsoft made this.
  8. so, i wanted to ask this since i just got a new account after I lost my mojang account to time. (i forgot my details after years of not being on PC minecraft.) is there a bandied method we could use like https://files.minecraftforge.net/ to create a mod pack that goes through that till a more permanent solution is available? will admit I'm a returning user so my knowledge is limited.
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