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About KiratoSpooch

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

KiratoSpooch's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. You are a complete retard kid.
  2. Still, you generalised that post completely instead of taking into account the other factors, you go out of a whim and say swearing warrants someone who knows what the hell they're doing not being allowed in. You just proved my point. Good day sir.
  3. Judging by how you base the entirety of that on the fact I occasionally might swear, I wouldn't want to play on it as it is most likely the case that you are like 12.
  4. Application: Skype Name: jsonkerrigan Minecraft Name: JackofHarts2 Age: 16 How good are you at tekkit?: Know pretty much everything about Tekkit at this point, apart from Forcefields and Mystcraft Did you once grief or tried to destroy a server? Why?: Yes, because it was a raiding server, kind of what you do lol Have you been an admin once? Have you abused admin?: Been an Admin on 2 servers, mod on 5, never abused it because you should treat people how you would like to be treated by an Admin/Mod yourself. Have you broken any server rules? : Only the stupid ones - E.g. "NO SWARING, SWARING IS SUPAR BAD K? K." Are you a brony? : BROHOOF!
  5. Ignore my last comment, everything got fixed apparently like half an hour after I posted that, now I am content with just saying, this server is beast.
  6. I'll kindly ask next time don't assume we dont know what we're doing. As we just upgraded to the McMyAdmin and a few things changed within McMyAdmin from the old one and even professional owners were having troubles with it. If you lost anything due to the restarts we can easily reimburse. Kindness is taken better then hostility and rudeness. Have a Nice Day Sir.

    AdulteryCraft Server

    Ip: tek.adulterycraft.net:13377

  7. Server Posted Related

    The McMyAdmin was having issues with the server.properties when u logged on. So we were in the process of getting it fixed. I followed what they recommended. So the server is backup and running and we'll do the work later on tonight to get McMyAdmin to work. So it's running good with 50 Player Slot.

  8. Can't play this server, only 8 slots, constant restarts,admin obviously has no idea what he's doing, server could easily support like 50 people.
  9. I joined 3 hours before I got banned, so no.
  10. This server is crap, I got banned for "attempting to dupe" when I didn't even try to do so, unlike every 4 year old on Tekkit I find duping to make the game pointless and boring as hell.
  11. Pleased to see a good, balanced server for once, good job
  12. Factions on a no-griefing server? Will you morons learn that factions is meant for GOOD servers, not little bitch no-grief servers.
  13. EE is more than half of Tekkit, it does not take all the effort out of the game, it takes effort to get all the crap needed for even a condensor, and far more for collectors and relays, you obviously do not understand why people don't like servers without EE, simply because on a "raiding server", EE is a big portion of gameplay, to get your faction to the top, without it you're mining crap forever, which is boring as hell, no one who is good at Tekkit wants to play a server with ANY mods disabled, let alone EE.
  14. Mcbans is for faggots, no game should ever have a global ban list, I don't trust anyone who uses that plugin not to abuse it.
  15. I like how it says if you want to raid other towns and become the most powerful, you can do it, yet it says raiding isn't allowed below it, may want to fix that.
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