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Everything posted by Andithesis

  1. Oh. Well all I know is that WorldEdit did not work for me with the WorldEditCUI-1.2.5.zip, but it does work with the worldedit-5.3.zip in my server plugins folder. So for just general functionality of WorldEdit on server-side, use: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/worldedit/ Beyond that I cannot contribute anything useful.
  2. Hey Symantix, not sure if you and I had the same problem, but I got WorldEdit to work on my server today about an hour ago. I provided a link to the thread, but to sum up there are two .zips. WorldEditCUI -1.2.5.zip which is for client and worldedit-5.3.zip which is for server. The worldedit-5.3.zip comes with a README.html. Its super easy. Just put the WordEdit.jar into plugin folder found in your server folder, then run server. It will create a .yml file that you can edit as you see fit. Just use the README.html and you will be golden. Again not sure if we had same problem, but thought I would share anyway. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/having-trouble-getting-worldedit-to-work-on-my-tekkit-smp-server.14075/
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