Also been reworking some IC2 stuff (block_machine needed a fair bit of work) based off of Rorax's textures, which I think you're using as well.
Probably going to slap it up on a github repo, that'll make it easier for everyone.
Yeah, here we go. The psd's are an amalgamation of at least 3-4 sources + my own edits/work, if you see something of yours just tell me how much of a credit stealing bastard I am, get over yourself, and give me your name so I can attribute properly. The psd's should be fairly sanely organized into folders and such, I may get around to splicing everything out and then back together again so they're actually decent guides instead of just patchwork. block_0 is the best organized one. Much of the credit goes to Rorax for her IC 8.55 work that's been ported over and rehashed a bunch of times for IC2.