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Posts posted by Truculent

  1. IC pump works fine, the "water" piston thing on the right will fill when the pump is powered, this is normal and not indicative of having anything to actually pump. You can put it on top of bedrock and it will still fill the thing on the right. If you have the pump next to a miner, then when the miner hits lava or water the pump will start working and will fill cell/bucket. You can put buckets in an adjacent chest, cells must be in the top slot on the pump.

    If you want to test the pump freestanding, place it immediately above a water pool and supply buckets or cells. Otherwise it will not pump anything.

  2. Re: I will pay you $20 to help me make a tiny IC2 addon

    I will send a payment of $20 via PayPal to the person who either explains to me or provides to me source code showing how to do the following as an IC2 API addon:

    (I have programming experience but not in Java, so techspeak is fine.)

    Add an extractor, macerator, and compressor recipe.

    Add a furnace recipe.

    Add a shaped and shapeless crafting recipe to IC2's list.

    Add a basic item with no gui (like coal dust, just has a sprite and usable in recipes). I can edit sprites fine if you tell me the size, codec, or file format to use.

    Addon would be open source with no monetization or ads.

    Price is negotiable if I have underestimated the complexity of my request.

    Sure, I'll bite. Here's how in 3 easy steps.

    Step 1 set up dev environment - get Minecraft Coder Pack & install it. Make sure it's 100% working & you can recompile the Minecraft client. http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/index.php/Main_Page

    Step 2 read & do the tutorials on the MCP site. Particularly the custom item w/ texture, which will tell you how to make your coal-dust-alike.

    Step 3 get the IC2 API from the IC2 forums and add it to your MCP setup. There is also a link to the doxygen API reference there. http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=4702 and http://ic2api.player.to/ic2api/html/annotated.html for API reference.

    In particular the net.minecraft.src.ic2.api.Ic2Recipes contain methods for all of your other needs.

    If you're a programmer, this should be enough to get you where you want.

    Send money to MCP or Alblaka.

  3. The automatic crafting table will use full buckets of water or lava from an attached chest, and deposit the empty buckets there. Why will this not work with milk buckets? Note, that you will need 6 buckets of milk total: 3 in the crafting table for the recipe, and 3 in the chest. Then it should be able to craft cake.

  4. It's a good idea, though I think probably there are better ways to get IC2 power out of EE. But infinite exponential power aside, EE is off on the server mostly for thematic reasons -- we don't feel it fits in with the "technical" side of things, but this is just an opinion, to each their own of course. Thanks though -- it's a good idea and useful to those playing with EE.

  5. I play on Tekkit, EE is turned off. 95% of my power use is IC2, the BC stuff is run off electrical engines or energy link. Currently I have a mixed geothermal+nuclear setup which is great, but these aren't infinitely renewable. I can keep mining for more uranium and lava, but it means carving ever-bigger holes in the ground.

    Solar is the obvious option, obviously. But the default solar is a huge CPU hog, and I don't like compact solar because it's just a dumb little box that spits out free power. I want big machines with pipes and wires and stuff being piped all over!

    I know about the Oil Fabricator -> Refinery -> Engine Generator loop, seems like an exploit.

    Right now I'm contemplating a few options.

    1) Forestry peat farm, feeding generators.

    2) Forestry tree farm, feeding charcoal to generators and saplings to fermenters to biofuel generators.

    3) An even more awesome RedPower tree farm using deployers, block breakers and stuff.

    4) ??? something I didn't think of yet?

    If anyone has any other ideas or feedback, I'd appreciate it. Particularly I'd like to know around how much EU/t one can net out of the Forestry tree or peat farms.

  6. I'm setting up a new Tekkit server for some friends and in the past with vanilla bukkit I've always used World Generation Control to pre-generate a nice sized map as it gives better server performance in the long run and lets me put up a full render of the worldmap right off the bat and so on. I did a test with tekkit and made a 512x512 map and it looks like everything works fine. It looks to have generated custom ores, rubber trees & volcanoes, etc. And I don't see any obvious or glaring issues with the map.

    I realize that using other plugins not included in Technic/Tekkit is unsupported of course. Just curious if anyone else has used this plugin and experienced any problems.

    link to the plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/worldgenerationcontrol

    This plugin causes the RedPower trees to not fully generate -- I don't recommend using it.

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