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Everything posted by iredrumi

  1. we have installed a new pvp arena plugin for every1 to enjoy.
  2. we have installed anti pvp logger again, sorry for the delay..
  3. we have updated our shops and included a machine shop..........
  4. We will installing a second spawn approx. 10k away from existing spawn, this will serve as an alternate gathering point for everyone.
  5. We've just installed today, payday, you will be compensated for your time on the server..........
  6. update: there will be a community build starting tomorrow,everyone is welcome to join in..........
  7. We've installed 2 new additional plugins: trade and grandexchange...... enjoy!!!!
  8. We've installed antipvp againn, sorry for the delay guys.
  9. Having A Drop PArty Tonight Guys,We Will be giving away hv solar arrays and swift wolf rings ,be there......
  10. We will be installing an anti pvp logger today per player request.........
  11. sorry for the delay guys, our server is back online. the datacenter had issues so im told..
  12. Hey Everyone we are having a tournament tonight, andthe winner will get a free rank upgrade....
  13. update: giving away a flying ring in the next hour.
  14. I think you are referring to another server when you speak of freecam or whatever you say it is. In any event this is a mute conversation, try advertising on other servers and you will meet the same resistence.
  15. anyone can enter our server at anytime and they are greeted with open arms, you can ask all of my members, i need not talk about this any further, enjoy tekkit.
  16. and as for lag , the only person who even mentioned lag was you, so your agenda is unclear but i know your not wanted here.
  17. Actually you entered the server and immediately spammed your server info or server info of someone you know. So please be clear next time on why you were muted and ultimately banned.
  18. Thank god its friday, drop parties all night tonight................
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