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About happyguy111

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

happyguy111's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN:happyguy111 Character Name: james hamon Character Age: 21 Character Sex: male Real Age: 10 Real sex: male Backstory: James Hamon was born in a nuclear facility with a mutated left arm, his mother died shortly after that from high blood presure / radition his father died before he could see him. Later on in his life when hes 17 he creates 1 gram of anti matter Excited he called the science facility but right as he hit the last number the machine starts to make a strange bumpy sound suddenly the machines top explodes into many photons when the phone stops rings and the facility hears this they think hes dead. So him thinking about this he ran away with his house falling apart behind him. Is this good?
  2. i do not grief i've been on this server for quite a long time i don't belive you came here just to say this or did you? i have work to do so im usually not playing tekkit lite sorry nice job saying a stupid remark probaly copy pasted.
  3. Ign's: happyguy111 Ages: 10 Skype: Sadly no i use a mac everytime i download it it turns into a .exe
  4. may i apply for staff my ign is my username now
  5. IGN: happyguy111 Age: 17 Country: United States Tekkit Experience: played tekkit lite for 1 year and a half Do you have a Mic: no Are you able to use Teamspeak?: no Reason or Reasons for wanting to join?: i like building and i would love to help build spawn
  6. ign happyguy111 building level 7 out of 10
  7. Name: happyguy111 Age: 16 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):YES PLEASE Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? : no what is the purpose of a macerator? it destroys shit and gives you double Recommendations(if you been invited): no Others things i should know: i record stuff on you-.. i mean redtube
  8. Name: happyguy111 Age: 15 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): sure why not? Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? : no what is the purpose of a macerator? DESTROY Recommendations(if you been invited): make a giant pie with tnt in it Others things i should know: i record
  9. Name: happyguy111 Age: 17 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): sure Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? : No what is the purpose of a macerator? BURN AND DESTROY (no burning just destroy ) Recommendations(if you been invited): make a badass tower of badassery Others things i should know: i want to join a server
  10. why does it say i have been permanently banned for mcbans servers! ????? i got minecraft 5 days ago
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