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Posts posted by Silent

  1. Vanilla server crashed 3 times due to low memory, Tekkit server crashed twice. Hmm. I was actually excited, heh. It could have something to do with me running two servers on a tiny 4GB of RAM, but my vanilla server usually lasts 4 to 5 days without a restart. :(

    Thanks anyways, sir, a man still needs hope every now and then.

    I have my server automaticly restart every 24 hours, it really helps with Javas memory leaks

  2. Don't update until RedPower is released or you'll miss out on Nikolite, Silver, Tungsten, Marble, Rubberwood Trees and all the other RedPower stuff.

    As in I want to make a new 1.2.5 world, but I would hate it if RedPower was released 2 days after the reset and we'd have to start ANOTHER new map

  3. I used to buy an Australian server off a host called Admixhosting but I think he stopped offering Australia plans as they weren't really worth it.

    The problem is that internets expensive here, so most host in US and some in EU that's about it really

    And yes 256mb ram will go for like 3 houses once it starts lagging up

  4. actually, they do work together. The Energy collector get's its energy from a glow stone I placed above it so it will have constant power. I used the energy condenser to convert the energy into a lava cell. The lava cell goes into the geothermal generator giving it power. But the problem I'm having is that the lava cell goes into the box where electrical items go into, not thermal. Also I forgot to show pics. Here they are.




    Please use tubes for geos (one person on my server decided to use bc pipes and there were 50 stacks of lava cells on the ground within the hour

    And secondly the cells go into the bottom

  5. Yeah EE ruins the game totally. In the end it is like playing creative mode. Me and my friends just did a reset on our server and disabled EE.

    I want to do that but at the same time I don't want to have a restart then Tekkit update to 1.4.5 3 days later, so I'm in kind of a rut :s

  6. LogicChip10: It actually doesn't have to work much harder. Statistically, it'll actually improve performance on multi-core machines, (so any computer built after 2009), as the client and server can run on different cores.

    I get SMP non-smoothness now because of this update

    EG NEI Magent Mode the items now appear to "vibrate" while flying towards me rather than being smooth as in 1.2.5

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