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Everything posted by garretteagle1

  1. I have done some research and I think I have an idea, Boseconomy. That is a short demo of it. I think it would work great because EE wont effect it. It is based on the time on the server, with different brackets, etc. We would also need to add chestshops I think to make this functional. Another thing we could do (along with this) is setup a chest shop and players can sell items to the (admin) chest shop. Items that cannot be condensed (I think uu-matter would be the best). Let me know what you think! ***On a side note: The "Bar" next to the coliseum was a project I started a while ago. If anyone would like to finish it make it look nice and produce beer and rum etc, go for it. or if you have better ideas for a building we can tear it down.
  2. Server is down. KS7 should be on within an hour at approx. 10:30PM EST I will keep everyone posted.
  3. PROMOTION OF THE WEEK: If you start a shop at the market this week you will receive a starter gift from the Johnstown Chamber of Commerce. This will include all of the trade-o-mats and safes you need to start your shop. Shops are a great way to buy, sell, and trade goods with other members of the community. It is also a great way to make some extra money See you all soon, Garrett Admin
  4. JOB POSTING: I will be looking for someone who has a skill in building ships, cruise ships, and small boats. In the next week I would like to have some built at the town docks (work in progress near the movie theater & art museum). You must be very good at building ships. Contact Garretteagle1 or reply to me on this forum. Thanks, Garrett(eagle1) Admin
  5. I created the one at the market. I didn't realize the one over by spawn until a day after I built the one at the market Icxx, I have whitelisted you. See you soon.
  6. v00, I will put it in town; however, I need the coordinates for you base Thanks, Garrett
  7. v00 I will do it if you PM me the coordinates.
  8. Fingers, for larger projects in town it is appreciated if you check with admin etc. Your "Pit of despair" has no place in the market or really in town. We generally don't dig massive holes to bedrock, set the ground on fire around it, and put a stick to the middle of it to jump off of... Thus, it was removed.
  9. I think it is most likely an issue with either the minecraft.net servers or the mojang servers.
  10. I had Regenerated a small area a few minutes before it crashed. I guess that could have been it but i'm not sure. Here is my two cents.... I would like to see a server restart. It brings back the challenge and fun (not to mention clean up the environment and get rid of any lag). I would like to see collectors and relays removed and potentially even condensers along with the other things we have already banned. What v00 said with the things being removed from EE I think will make the game more so much better. It was cool when I first started playing tekkit, but now I hate them; it takes the fun and challenge out of the game. I mean you can 'beat' the game in a matter of a couple of days. I know a lot of people wouldn't like the removal of collectors, relays, etc. but those are the people that rely on them to play the game and become a RM tycoon in 24hrs. A possible solution to obtaining items that cannot be obtained when collectors etc are gone (RM, DM, Etc) is a possible admin shop. We can spawn in the items however you would have to match the emc value with items to pay for it. Just something to consider. Garrett.
  11. I am having the same issue, I have a Dell E6510 and just downloaded Windows 8. Can anyone tell me what drivers and or graphic cards I am going to need? Thanks.
  12. Mason, I do believe the application says, "give me a little detail, 'it looks cool' probably won't be enough to get you whitelisted. I'm looking for more than just a single line" Although it is more than a line, we are a survival server not creative. I would suggest adding a little bit more to be whitelisted. -Admin
  13. I hate to say this but, I think a reasonable solution is to get rid of anchors and tethers all together. That way people cant become RM Tycoons overnight. And it solves the issue of people's factories running 24/7. It might actually make people play the game :X I am also a strong proponent of banning MKII and MKIII collectors and relays. People are getting to the point where they are making RM in a second. Also, KS I need to speak with you, I have observed what Epyon and I believe to be someone duping.
  14. In game name: garretteagle1 Age: 20 Location: NH,USA Minecraft experience to date: Minecraft since alpha, Tekkit for about a year. Why do you want to play on our server? Im looking for a small server where I can build my factories and creations with no grief and mature players. Hope to see you soon.
  15. "See ya later Shitlords!"

  16. Re: [24/7][2.1.1][Quantum Gaming Tekkit Server][42 slots][Whitelist] IGN: garretteagle1 Have you ever been banned: never What do you plan to do on the server: be an active and contributing member to the server What is your experience level with Tekkit? very experienced.
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