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Posts posted by matejdro

  1. There is a way to very easily crash server using CC computer. Just make a new program with that code and run it:

    Code removed, PM me if you want to test.

    It will basically cycle through redstone states very fast and in few seconds server will crash with RedPower error. And if bad guy added that to the startup script and there is a chunkloader nearby, server will also crash almost immediately after starting up, rendering it useless.


    Add this to the end of the /mods/ComputerCraft/lua/rom/startup :

    oldRedstoneFunction = rs.setOutput
    rs.setOutput = function(side, bool)
        oldRedstoneFunction(side, bool)

    This will add small delay to the rs.setOutput function, which is just enough to solve this issue. I also recommend replacing oldRedstoneFunction with something else (just any word will do it), because if attacker knows this word, he can circumvent protection.

    Explanation on how this fix works: CLICK

  2. Yes, that way it will not remove it. But when you do ANYTHING (interact with anything, move mouse wheel, reconnect etc.) it will disappear.

    I have also tested NoItem quickly and it have same behavior (or I am not able to configure it properly). It's just very costly for plugins to keep checking hotbar when nothing is happening.

  3. I think it should be fairly easy to create plugin to automatically give player permissions to fly when they equiup swiftwolf, jetpack or arcana and then remove permission when they take it off. But still, they may put jetpack on to bypass security, but then use hack fly to gain abilities of swiftwolf cheaply.

    If I remember correctly, orebfuscator is highly customizable. It allows you to define what blocks are hidden. But I think it needs Spout, so it would not work with tekkit.

  4. On our server we have Out of Memory issues. We are running Windows Server 2008 R2 with 4GB ram and java7 x64. We have 3gb allocated to the server (-Xmx3G -Xms3G).

    We have 2 normal worlds (using MultiVerse), each one have its own nether and one end (so 5 worlds total). Size of all worlds combined is around 200MB. Even when decompressed, I don't think it's nearly enough to fill up 3GB, even if whole world would be loaded at once.

    When server starts, there is a chance that MultiVerse will crash server right away with OutOfMemory error. But after several tries server loads fine. LagMeter reports around 2GB out of 3GB free. But after random amount of time, server will crash with OutOfMemory error.

    Any idea, what could be wrong?

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