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Everything posted by cedo

  1. if you need a builder i will be willing to help
  2. Minecraft Username: cedo11 Age:14 Youtube Channel(If you have one): Cedo_The_Mad Would you donate maybe depends on the server quality How much would you Donate: $5 - $10 E.g Im guessing that any one willing to donate will be added to the server
  3. its not ALL black magic we have stones of healing
  4. any one know how to program turtles to mine
  5. i use thaumcraft for the runes for fire power and portals
  6. ohh i thought u meant a REAL flower not a formation
  8. Alchemist FTW

  9. Engineers have reinforced stone but Alchemists have elderich stone and multiple worlds to escape to (Mystcrsft) we also have swift wolfs witch allows us to fly also along with tant components witch we can use to demolish your land so Alchemist FTW. See and this is why the alchemic mods should be installed in to tekkit because we only get EQ and they get BC IDC2 RSP but i can see where som problems mat occur with Mystcraft and the discoveries in thaumcraft2 Umm please inform me of this flower so i can stop mining
  10. umm your turtles ? how did u taim them?
  11. Up Date I have my thauminacron (the Discovery book) and my lab is all set bad news is I tanted a norman village
  12. oh goodie i have to start over :(
  13. i guess i should update hehe sorry but the topic of Alchemist VS Enginer is still on, I myself am an Alchemist
  14. ya but technic is only single player hence smp and in technic its only at thaumcraft 1 not 2 adnd if it was i wold not of posted this
  15. oh I'm kinda new here so sorry
  16. Ok so head the deal. I have been playing yogbox and tekkit and thought: How awesome would it be if there was a mod pack with the major mods being: Thaumcraft 2 / Equivalent Exchange/ Industreal Craft/ Build Craft Who's With Me!
  17. The Name explains it all (open thread for more detail)
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