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Everything posted by sean5000

  1. Ok... but, it would be easier for people though to have it in one download
  2. I would like it if you slapped on regular dokucraft textures on your texture pack I will be happy
  4. it would suck if it was... cuz I dont want to wait three days D:
  5. o noes the servers down!!!! hopefully not for days agian...
  6. hey cmuff can you get my friend on the server he will live with me too In-Game Name: kikkpod Age: 11 Experience with Tekkit: as long as I have Did you read the rules?: yes he agrees he agreed on skype and I can trust him THIS IS A VOUCHE
  7. day 2 of no tekkit server. Although the day is boring in still alive eating raw pixels is the way im still living *cough* still I need the server up to live in this enviroment without Etheral gaming.
  8. Its been more than a day D: whyyyyyyyyyyyy
  9. still as the sandwichmakr says if we do get on there can be potential issues 1) reseted map 2)having to wait days for re-writing of permissions 3) losing your /homes. So would you want to play and lose everything or wait a couple of hours and
  11. It has been more than a hour why is everybody still not whitelisted
  12. yay what happend now it should work :D:D:D
  13. ok most or all people have been taken off the white list. So can the owner/admin tell us what is happening
  14. I thought the duping glitch was on the craftingtable II not the craftingtable III
  15. In-Game Name: spam5000 Age: 12 Experience with Tekkit: I have used tekkit a lot and I trying to find a good server for my self and my friend kikkpod Did you read the rules?: yes
  16. I find an issue that THIS is technic Ive seen your thing on google and its mostly PVP stuff... dual weilding is cheap also unless you make it so no one can carry 2 iron swords or higher because your screwed if someguy jumps on your head and kills you in half a second.
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