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  • Birthday 01/06/1992

TOBEwORwNOTTOBE's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Minecraft username:TOBEwORwNOTTOBE Where you found this server: On the fourm. Why you want to be on this sever: I want to be in a private server, where I can actually work with others. What are you planning on doing on the server: I would like to start a trade center where I hook players with other players depending on their trades. This does not only mean items, but also skills, knowledge, and communication. Your favourite colour: My favorite color is pink.
  2. Age:22 Country:USA IGN:TOBEwORwNOTTOBE Do you understand the rules:Yes
  3. application: age... how often will you play on the server? are you willing to play fair? will you respect other players and their stuff/ builds? 22 I will try to play on the server as much as possible. I have school, and friends who I hang out with. I always play fair and try to respect the rules. I respect other players, and don't bother them or there stuff unless they allow me to. In game name is TOBEwORwNOTTOBE.
  4. IGN: TOBEwORwNOTTOBE Age: 20 Expericnce: Im a bit new at it but I learned the basics and more advance stuff quickly Did you read the rules: Yes
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