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Posts posted by prasselpikachu

  1. @Backplague For your ID Server thingy, the computers DO have a general storage. In your servers directory, go to mods, then computercraft, then lua. Here are the bios.lua (used to init both turtles and computers, eg you can modify the message craft OS 1.3 to eg "LOL U HAV BEEN HACKD BRO !!!!!!!1!1!!111")

    and the folder rom. Its exactly the same folder rom like the folder rom in cc computers but with the difference that you can now WRITE into it, with np++. So you can create your own OS. BUT! Changes made at these files will affect EVERY computer on your server. So if you Forget for ex. A ) and save, every computer will crash on restart. I also think you can put files or programs into the directory where the bios is, if you want some good and very helpful references and examples for all this, look at the CC "addon" Redworks: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/899620-redworks-add-on-package-for-computercraft-beta-120/

    Phew, sorry if my text isnt soo nice, I just wanted to say this quickly before i'm going to bed. Good night *yawn*

  2. This is amazing!!!

    I want to use your CC program in my singleplayer world.

    but i dont know how to install it.

    In which folder put i the CC files ?

    can you write a step by step install guide for me ? :D

    Sorry for my bad English... (Google translate :D)

    Go to %appdata% (Win+R, then type %appdata% and press Enter)

    then go to .techniclauncher\tekkit\saves, .techniclauncher\technicssp\saves, .minecraft\saves or whereever your singleplayer world is saved.

    Go into the Folder of your world (e.g. New World or something like that)

    Then go into the directory computer. There should be a folder with a number for each computer in your world, even for them which are destroyed.

    Paste the programs in the folders of the computers. Now you have to edit the programs so that the right Computer IDs are in the program, otherwhise the computers would for example send messages to Computer ID 50 or 100. There you go.

    Also, if you are German, I can write it again in German ;)

  3. This is probobly a very nooby question, but I was wondering how you actually set up the computers to run. I have tryed starting them up in different orders, but they all get stuck waiting for message, I also attempted looking at the code. So I guess I'm screwed unless I can get some help here. Thanks, if anyone can help.

    You have to change the IDs inside the programs or the computers are trying to reach an computer which doesnt exist. For example the programmed id of the 2. Auth Server is 100, so you have to change the id 100 to whatever the id of your 2. auth pc is in every program. Do this for every Server which is used and it will work.

  4. I'm just saying: look at this: http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/1891-bossmans-programs/page__hl__bosschat__fromsearch__1

    Combining the most advanced programming techniques in the world with amazing good looks, code was born. Sporting exactly 2 features, Bosschat stands at 358 lines long. Leave yourself messages from the mines, write down directions to/from that lava pool you fell into, hoping your items are still there, and even ask yourself how your day is going.

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