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About worshipthematt

  • Birthday 10/07/1975

worshipthematt's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. just put halfslabs a block and a half (head height when in the cart) on the track, it prevents mobs from walking onto the track and also won't suffocate you since half slabs are a tranparent block like stairs.
  2. I too would be happy to help you, my only problem is I don't have a microphone for skype. I do type fairly fast though and I can build OK if I am given an idea of what I am doing, hell I'm even decent with redstone contrpations if you want a piston gate or something of that sort for a large walled town or something
  3. ah very smart! I just wasn't sure about those 2 things, I'm guessing this project is close® to completion? I really am looking forward to this. I'm guessing the plugins will have the modded files for the zeds as well? (not burning in daylight, faster,stronger, and more deadly)
  4. I saw this coming..... fair enough I suppose but what about SSP? last I checked worldguard is not a singleplayer thing lol
  5. this could be really cool, or really a a flop. what I don't think has been told yet is whether or not the servers that want to do this will be modded serverside like the actual mineZ or if it will go on the honor system, also with SSP I once again am not sure how you plan to accomplish the non breaking of blocks because I sometimes don't have the discipline to not break blocks :P
  6. HAHA IT WORKED! thank you for putting in all the time it took to make this good sir, would it be totally wrong of me to turn the "thaumcraft center" into the "totally over-powered EE item rule the world center"? haha, I do like this idea of giving people a house but not giving them any items at all the begining of a new world always stinks
  7. there are usually about 20-30 buckets cycling around to the condenser and profit chest I'm not really sure if it woudl do anything to a server though
  8. Ok so on my test world after about an hour of failures I came up with a system for EMC generation which is fairly cheap for what it produces, basically what happens is I have 2 cows penned in to where they cant move and I have 1 deployer with a bucket pointing at the cow to harvest milk. on the starting end of the pneumatic tubes that lead to this I have an energy condenser set to mak buckets connected to a filter pulling 2 out every redstone pulse. from the deployers the buckets fill with milk witch is then taken out by 2 filters I have underneath the deployers. From here they travel through pneumatic tubes to a split. here they can go 1. into the first condenser to make another bucket and have a little EMC left over or 2. go up a LONGER pipeline to another energy condenser set on diamonds. to get to the condenser set on diamonds however the milk needs to have no other place to go mening the first condenser must be filled with buckets. I produce about 60-70 diamonds an hour with this setup (not very good I know but I can expand in the future) my question is, with all these entities floating around in tubes. would it be allowed on a server due to possible lag issues?
  9. Ok, well it was worth a try :/
  10. Jay? I Didn't mean add it to technic itself I meant when it updates add it into the launcher as an option like the Yogbox and Hack slash mine and I dont care if its ugly its functional and makes building roads for my city alot easier!
  11. its not ugly! it works quite well with industrialcraft redpower and buildcraft and follows along their progression somewhat it was updated to 1.1 and hes working on 1.2 (check the replies to the thread TheThirdMike personnally said hes working on it hes a college student) technic's rec build is still 1.1 as well
  12. Ok, so before anyone spasm trolls YES I searched the forums first. I was wondering if the dawn of the modern world pack http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/266155-110smp-dawn-of-the-modern-world-thethirdmikes-mods/ by Thethirdmike, the guy seems really chill and I think this mod deserves more people playing it. none of the items are buggy for the most part (sometimes the cars spaz on wierd terrain) and I would really enjoy being able to play this out of the launcher since we all know how amazing the launcher is already. I think it would make it just that much more fucktastic.
  13. your in game name. 3vilminer your timezone.eastern time (north american) Why you want to be a mod. I enjoy helping people while at the same time keeping servers fun for everyone What previous experience you have had. I was voted moderator of the month on an old server, before the server owner had a spas and kept resetting the map every day because people don't know how to run nuclear reactors..... a cool thing you have, or will built with tekkit, it doesn't have to be detailed, just a brief explanation. I built an autosmelting/diamond making/ item sorting machine legit in my world and hope to expand it to be able to manufacture highly advanced materials(hooking it up to an energy condenser array that will mass produce whatever i tell it to remotely.)
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