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Posts posted by avogatro

  1. Title: codechicken Sniffer

    Version: 3.1.2

    OS: ubuntu 12.04 64bit

    Java Version: jdk1.7.0_05

    Description of Problem:

    server crush regularly on my creative open server, where everyone can use worldedit in own plot.

    Error Messages:


    at codechicken.wirelessredstone.addons.RedstoneEtherAddonManager.addSniffer(RedstoneEtherAddonManager.java:105)

    at codechicken.wirelessredstone.addons.ItemPrivateSniffer.a(ItemPrivateSniffer.java:25)

    at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.a(ItemStack.java:97)

    at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.tryUseItemStack(TileDeployBase.java:203)

    at eloraam.machine.TileDeploy.enableTowards(TileDeploy.java:106)

    at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.onBlockNeighborChange(TileDeployBase.java:250)

    at eloraam.core.BlockExtended.doPhysics(BlockExtended.java:63)

    at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25)

    at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateIndirectNeighbors(RedPowerLib.java:48)

    at eloraam.core.TileExtended.updateBlockChange(TileExtended.java:98)

    at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.timerUpdate(TileLogicPointer.java:219)

    at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.q_(TileLogicPointer.java:413)

    at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1190)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:569)

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467)

    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)

    Error Log:

            at codechicken.wirelessredstone.addons.RedstoneEtherAddonManager.addSniffer(RedstoneEtherAddonManager.java:105)
            at codechicken.wirelessredstone.addons.ItemPrivateSniffer.a(ItemPrivateSniffer.java:25)
            at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.a(ItemStack.java:97)
            at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.tryUseItemStack(TileDeployBase.java:203)
            at eloraam.machine.TileDeploy.enableTowards(TileDeploy.java:106)
            at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.onBlockNeighborChange(TileDeployBase.java:250)
            at eloraam.core.BlockExtended.doPhysics(BlockExtended.java:63)
            at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25)
            at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateIndirectNeighbors(RedPowerLib.java:48)
            at eloraam.core.TileExtended.updateBlockChange(TileExtended.java:98)
            at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.timerUpdate(TileLogicPointer.java:219)
            at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.q_(TileLogicPointer.java:413)
            at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1190)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:569)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)

  2. Ok Avogatro, I wasn't quite sure on the level of reality we were based on. I am now going to build an epic spaceship with some amount of detail that looks like it could actually fly. Again, i am building most of these on my own and i have severe problems with the amount of time i have on tekkit. This is my final attempt. Hopefully i wont screw up :l

    Its ok then join the openserver etheus.de:55555 u got worldedit for brush or create up to 1337 blocks ...

    and u can clear it like a sandbox remake it or what ever...

    People always know what they can't do now, but never think about what they can do in the future.

    I started with a 50x50 castle the wall was 4 blocks high. it was not good at all.

    Now i have better understanding how to create stuff out of my imagination.

    and my imagination is more detailed then before.

    Its all just training. hanging out with pros, try to understand what they do, why they do stuff...

    have fun to improve yourself...

  3. Ok, Looks like i need to step it up a notch. I made these either on my own or with some friends on the other server. Whether they are quality you decide. So i guess im just going to picture spam :/

    For me its important to know,if u can imagine and if u can express your imagination.

    Let me tell u why your plane is only cute, but not impressive.

    the shape is no aerosol-dynamic,the lines are 90 degree or 45 degrees to each other, boring, u see it every day.

    That is why I build the B2, to show what is possible with 50x50 area.


    the wing is aslope with a proposition of 2:3. every 3 blocks to the side i go 2 blocks back.

    How did I found this out? use google picture search


    load this picture into paint and see the size of my selections.

    rest is math and training.

    u need to learn how to do complex shape like this.

    pls train a bit more on the openserver.

    the next step would be design a complete new plane/spaceship from your imagination.

    Which suppose to make sense, which looks like it can fly :D

    If u really want to do cute planes, pls use more curve.

    eclipse sphere what ever.

    Your creation need to give the viewer a msg.

  4. Sorry Avogatro for the trouble- Forget you saw my name :)

    IGN: nom9898

    Skill: Very Good at almost all mods except a little redpower, dont know a ton of CC, and a couple of buildcraft blocks

    Creations: Here is one: http://shobienessminecraftpics.imgur.com/all/

    sry too simple maybe go to our public server and train together with other people?


  5. Did i do it all right? :o

    (Am i whitelisted or did i not "qualify").

    By the way, You have made me a very happy minecrafter since i found this server, especially since i am a starcraft nerd-played the original one when i was 5 :D.

    I can't see your picture because the picture is on your local PC.

    file:///C:/Users/Admin (Chris)/AppData/Roaming/.techniclauncher/tekkit/screenshots/2012-09-02_10.39.33.png

    Now I know your user name on your windows computer ... I don't want to know this :D

    URL: How to upload Screenshots to internet

  6. Hi its me Jetrax2000 trying to get whitelisted on the new server :D

    anyway here r some pics of my house i built on my own to earn creative...


    The house itself has no structure, its like someone stack 10 different buildings into 1. Not nice.

    lava-cell, well its nice that u can do it. but we normally use condenser to create lavacell directly.

    I think compact reactors are better.

    nuke reactor...

    quarry is not creative, everyone who can read tekkit wiki, can do it.

  7. That is my small castle. That I made.

    This is a giant nuclear plant that b1ade1, jetrax2000, and me made.

    This is the matter hotel, a small hotel with an armory too. This was originaly pingachus idea but i helped.

    P.S could you show me how to get the texture pack most of these people are using on mac?


    OliverTabibz (minecraft username)

    Texturepack http://bdcraft.net/download-purebdcraft-texturepack-for-minecraft

    The first picture is better then other 2. It's still not really creative.

    The nuclear reactor its not creative at all, and u guys don't use additional reaction chamber upgrade...

    the hotel ... if u give me a building that looks like social housing in the USSR, don't expect too much.



    sry, maybe invest a bit more time on details, nice building are everywhere.

  8. LordSkullgrin

    Take a look: My ship on the old server: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=251313908323467&set=a.251313904990134.57494.100003345795357&type=1&theater

    and : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=251314134990111&set=a.251313904990134.57494.100003345795357&type=1&theater

    (currently making a legit survival castle)

    Strengths: Dedicated to servers, Like to help others, Frame motors and frames and IC, always learning new material ( Tekkit with Duncan, regular viewer), recruit lots of other players into company

    Weaknesses: Ill be honest i hate quarrys the destroy the landscape, bits of redpower scare me

    sry I can't see it on facebook, maybe use http://img.xrmb2.net

    user name in game:ratchetncrank

    cen i ples join this server

    pls read the application section of the first post. rtfm

  9. IGN: Angellox

    Death Star:

    I'm not soo expert it tekkit, i know only the basics, but i hope you can whitelist me.

    nice whitelisted. :D

    I accidentally got a corrupt item, can somebody please clear my data file on the new server? sorry if this is the wrong place I just need people to see it soon.

    playerdata removed.

    ign knuckles19

    i have no epic screen shots but ill make one one your server

    strength / weakness in Tekkit weak cumputer craft storng every thing eles

    no sceenshot for creations u are proud of?

    Not even in singleplayer?

    sry, but u still have time to make them, and reapply.

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