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Posts posted by avogatro

  1. ign: rasmustof

    yea alot of boring stuff i know but thats all i got

    experience with tekkit: not as much as i liked since i rly didnt had a good server to play on since that i found your old server and then i just hope that this is what you want. i would not say that im a total nope with tekkit just rly not had so much fun with playing myself since i found it boring

    best regards Rasmustof

    Well then maybe spend a few hours to build something interesting for u.

    It's never too late. There is no time limit for application.

    Honestly express yourself!

  2. This is actually heavily based on this:

    well i can see the advantage for that house.

    The innovation is about useability. u can use the movable doors to change space, light.

    but the house itself is very simple. And the Inner architecture is something u can't build at this size.

    what ever, I will whitelist u.

    In minecraft, useability of a house is not the important part.

    Noone need to take a bath in minecraft ;)

    That is why functional design don't really matters, that is just my opinion

  3. Ign: redclaw74

    Strengths/Weaknesses: I Am Great With IC2 Exepcept For Pipes. I Can Make Great Houses And Other Things Like That.

    Pics: Mine Won't Work Sorry. Hope That Doesn't Effect Anything...

    Pls give me screenshots, see "Hint section" of the first post to learn how to upload it to the internet.

    Ingame name - HerpitehDerpo

    Greatest creation - file:///Users/ptiwari/Library/Application%20Support/techniclauncher/tekkit/screenshots/2012-08-29_22.03.54.png

    Weakness - I don't know much about integration of different mods to do a specific task. So I cant use a machine from buildcraft with pipes from red power

    Strength - I am good at managing space and putting stuff in a good spot

    see "Hint section" of the first post to learn how to upload it to the internet.

    I can't see your local files.

  4. I am craftG.


    That is the link to my space ship.

    Weaknesses: crops

    Strengths: Equivalent Exchange, Redpower,Buildcraft

    Maybe u should put a little more effort into it?

    one of our admin studies Mechanical Engineering, he don't know what this is.

    1% chance he is just bad, 99% chance u need to rework it or send something new.

  5. 2KxbCmJVh7gT6326kGigKI

    We are looking for creative and friendly people.

    Main themes of the server are Sci-Fi, Steam Punk and Fantasy.


    Server: avogatro-mc.etheus.de:55554







    For application pls post those things:









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