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Everything posted by Dcww

  1. Dark__Pearl, I can go look their but like you guys can see below this project is bigger than what me and my friend can do alone. I am interested in letting you help us with the computer network. But only if you are interested in helping as well. But I mean I understand if you wouldn't want to help. So what do you say? Yes its a great texture pack, Even for tekkit. Status update: I have been working on the over all look as you can see below. Also these pictures are also to show the shear size of the mansion. It's huge! But first the liquid storage room as promised. Then of course the front of the mansion. We have gotten farther than what is shown. This is just what it looked like while we were touching it up. Yes the right side did not get its tower built yet. And as always, Thank You for all of your guys support. Have a great 4th of July!
  2. I will take that as a good thing Semi Update: I have gotten the liquid storage room more organized now to work on a good lighting system that fits, will post some pictures of it here pretty soon. On another note I need some ideas, for machines that are meant to make something. Example: A full machine that would make nano/quantum suits. But I need more ideas on what i could make machines craft automatically. Thank You for your help!
  3. Yeah, the more the better We will just say we are not gonna run out of anything ANY time soon. Unless someone hits our self destruct button. :P
  4. Alrighty, This is not really a update but more of a just we got another thing finally done. We got the third floor started. Which we hope will be for EE. But we will just have to see how much we can fit. But in the picture below there are 72 Condensor things. I don't know what i should call them, Condensor stars? Condensor flowers? I just don't know XD. Then in response to Miniboxer. Well on the matter of power from solar I think we have a good start. We have lots of batterie boxes/ Msfu's full of power. As you see in the below picture. Hopefully a full update will be coming. Thank You all.
  5. Miniboxer, If you know how to do RP pipes and what not, effectively then I think we may have something we can work with. Because we are planning on having a ton of working machinery that will need to be able to transport items reliably. We are also hoping to make a Master Sorter that in turn will be able to request items to certain stations around the mansion. Also be able to sort every item into the Item Storage room. We will also need a better system of layout for the liquid storage and movement of the liquids to various spots. As you may know teleport pipes no longer work on SMP so its a bit difficult. Also this map is on one of my servers. So if you are interested, I am also interested in getting you on the server. But for now I will sleep. Dark___Pearl, I could use your help in the modems, and some with the set up of the cables. Because modems are much more easier since we have a idea for multiple "servers" on CC computers. One HUGE problem I have/am running into is getting the screen to refresh. We have a work around that is only temporary. And that is making the computer reboot after wait .5 seconds after printing all of the stats on the monitor. But in turn that may cause some hefty problems. So if you are interested, I am also interested in getting you on the server. As I said above I will sleep for now. When I get back on, I will hopefully be posting more news on how the mansion is going! Thank You all, And have a good night.
  6. Alrighty XD, its a good pack, And thanks for the support. Have a Good Day.
  7. We have plans to publish the map yes. But first things first is getting the map done. I am using the texture pack: Soartex Fanver but the modded version. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/824150-64x125-soartex-fanver-now-w-youtube-seen-on-gamechap-12w22a/
  8. Alright, here is the overall kinda deal, We are wanting to use CC for the computing side of the Mansion. I have learned some Lua, but do not know a sections of it. I have gone over some of the stuff we need done with my friend. And we came to a conclusion that we should only get the help we really need, if that makes any sense? I will be posting more on the new updates we have done to the Mansion. That is just to clarify. Now in response. MiniBoxer, we don't really need anymore RP circuits. My friend is pretty good with the RP mod. So we are not in demand for RP, Sorry man if we needed RP help you would be my first choice. Do you have anything else on the table? Dark___Pearl, How far are you in CC? We do need help on certain things in CC programing, so we are wondering how far you are into CC/Lua. Thank You to all.
  9. Alrighty, we had to do a almost complete rewrite of the Status Computer, but all is well now. The Computer on the right is not final it is only for now. But here is what it looks like so far.
  10. We now have gotten the Status and Master Computer Online and running. We are still adding to them but they are up and running none the less. Will add some pictures of it once we are done with at least the Monitor display.
  11. We got the authentication server online for ComputerCraft. Now everyone has a Key Card and a hidden Password.
  12. The Reactor room is now completely finished. I will post new pics of it in a bit. I am trying to decide if I should make a video/trailer for the map. What do you guys think?
  13. The Asimov Mansion was named after Asimov himself. If you do not know who he is, He came up with 3 of some of the most Famous law of Robotics. And this wraps up with our map. You will read more. Me and a few friends have started a project on a Monster of a Mansion. At first we were just gonna make a almost fully auto factory. That could do almost everything. But as we were building on we got to thinking that we should make a full out map. So that is where the Asimov Mansion began. The main reason that we named the map after Asimov is because the map as said before is meant to be fully technical. With two main options. Manual control that includes warning displays and such. Or fully automatic where everything will run with out user input. With timed cool downs and such for those machines that are needed. And so forth. The Asimov Mansion will have many technical things. Mainly every function that can be done inside Tekkit. We hope to have EVERY function somewhere in the Mansion. We hope to have at least one of all power sources, and so forth. Below we have a list of current ideas and there status's. We also have a Super Computer that is Override ready on any and all functions. Current Project List: 1. 1st Floor Ore Handler - Done Item Storage Room - In Progress Liquid Storage Room - In Progress Front Door - Done 2. 2nd Floor Computer Room - In Progress (Look Below) Wheat Farm - Planning Melon Farm - Planning Pumpkin Farm - Planning Reed Farm - Planning Cactus Farm - Planning Brown Mushroom Farm - Planning Red Mushroom Farm - Planning Flax Farm - Planning Hops Farm - Planning Coffee Farm - Planning Rubber Tree Farm - Planning RP Rubber Tree Farm - Planning Birch Tree Farm - Planning Jungle Tree Farm - Planning Tree Farm - Planning Winter Tree Farm - Planning (Don't Remember the name for it) 3. 3rd Floor STILL IN PLANNING. This apply's for the rest of the floors. Except the top floor. The pent house or the Owners room. Screen Shots! The Computer Room: This is the status computer so far. A lot of work is still needed to be done on it but this is just what we have so far. In this picture we have the Light and Defense Servers. In this picture we have Machine and Clearance Servers. I know this doesn't look like much. But this is the Master Computer. Looks like a little thing but oh man trust me. That computer can kick a punch. Final but not least this is the "Access" Door to get into the computer room. There is a full out interface and what not. Along with server accounts, that have clearances to certain things. A very complex system if I say so myself. One shout out though, and that's to Aquax, he has been helping me out with Computer Craft for a while and I just have to say thanks. The Agriculture Floor: The brown mushroom farm. We have the lighting at a perfect placement so that there is just enough to see but also for the mushrooms. I have noticed the mushrooms have grown off of the grid we set. Oh well the more the better right? At least that's what I think. The next three pictures are of the wheat farm. It seems complex but really isn't. We set up transposers to Destroy the wheat but at the same time suck up the items and send the seeds to the chest room and the wheat to Automatic Crafting Tables to be turned into bread. This is the most compact that I could come up with. I plan to expand this same idea upward. So that it stacks. The Outside: Out front we have a nice look along the side of the walk way to the front door. The concrete with the orange lighting look very cool together. Then we added water fall type things to the sides of the walk way. Also for the "Solar" part of the power we set up 24 of bluelectric and normal HV solar panels. 12 on each side of the walk way. So far they have provided more than our nuclear reactors. I know right what a surprise. This is a view from the outside gate into the front yard area. The gate opens during the day but will close at night. Which we thought was just a cool thing to add. Same with the lights. They turn on at night but will turn off during the day. The view from the walk way to the front door. You can not see the door for it is in the ground. It opens up and down. And as you can see it is open. More will come but I need to go and do some other stuff. So I hope this will suit you guys. If you have ANY ideas on what we should do/add to the mansion. More ideas are welcome. We have 8 storys and only have plans for 4 of them. We need more ideas to continue the expansion of the mansion! Thank You for reading!!! A off note kinda thing: We are going to make this into a adventure map as well as just the normal mansion map. But if you have not already please check out my Ultra Skyblock map. (Taking It Back! The Void Map!) It has the story that will continue from this maps story. We will release the story of this map soon. Thank You again!
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