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Everything posted by SamuelDM

  1. Dumb idiot is stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mister Anderson

      Mister Anderson

      Is that invitation open to others?

    3. Cheap Shot

      Cheap Shot

      Anyone who wants to get bent can. I'm not the boss of you.

    4. Mister Anderson

      Mister Anderson

      Shit I don't have a witty thing to say. ABORT ABORT

  2. Scanned comment closely. Replied.
  3. I understand all of that. Tomorrow I was going to take it down.
  4. I'm getting some info in for my local theater. I was wondering if you awesome people could do this survey. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6253Y7P
  5. People don't seem to understand that it's pretty much done. If you use your own initiative, you can have almost all the textures bar a couple. Main one being thuamcraft.
  6. I think what he's asking is if the pre Release is finished yet, which is not. It's been about a month since I last properly checked here. Doesn't even seem to be a update by FTW......
  7. Just disable it? I don't see what the problem is? It's like arguing what the point in a car is when we have legs.
  8. Look through the pages! just keep going pack, You'll see a technic+ link and the other, main one.
  9. Right, and that'll work on a windows machine? Yet I can use a Mac machine and run windows. Beauty of both OS's legally. No fuss or trouble.
  10. When you buy a Mac you buy the OS, brand comes into it as well. But I bought the OS not the mac for the mac. If I wasn't against pirating I'm sure I would have bought a little old Dell. Anyway what does this have to do with Dells and Macs? That was a pretty useless comment IMO. I found out how to do it, I was along the right lines just a little off. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/install-mods-to-modpack-jar-on-mac-os.24317/
  11. When I can find a similar program on a mac then I'll be fine. It isn't looking good so far, or perhaps I'm just missing something obvious.
  12. So that it isn't a folder any more but a file. You can't just drag and drop the .class into the .jar without uncompressing, unarchiving, it first.
  13. Latest technic version. Block Id? Most of them when they're in my hand. Version 6 of java. No error messages. I opened up the modpack.jar using an unarchiver. I then dragged the file from my desktop into the folder and it asked me if I wanted to cancel or replace, I chose replace. I then compressed the modpack folder back down into a modpack.zip, then changed it from a .zip to a .jar by changed it's name. I've looked for programs similar to 7-zip for mac but haven't found any that work in the same way. I'll keep looking though.
  14. I think you'll find that that's theoretically, I'm not the only one who is doesn't work for.
  15. Nope, didn't work for me....
  16. Not the same problem, he's saying that when he places down items that turn purple, No texture. Mine was that they looked 2d or like white squares in my hand, which I still haven't found a fix for.
  17. I love the forums because people don't know how to search a thread Smurfkiller. I haven't a clue. The patch doesn't work for me and the textures are still messed up. So maybe eventually it'll get fixed.
  18. Macbook Pro, Early 2011 model.
  19. I'm on a mac fyi. I open modpack.jar with the unarchiver then I drag and replace the itemrenderer with the new one by dragging it in then selecting replace. Then I compress the modpack folder backdown to a file and replace the .zip with .jar.
  20. Editing the modpack.jar in anyway breaks it for me. It the shows when I start it up that there are no mods installed.
  21. I'm finding quite a few textures don't look right when you hold them, they're either the wrong texture or a white texture which I think is a leaf texture I'm not sure, I'll get back to you with more more detail.
  22. They're in this thread. it took me 3 mins to find it. Here is the pre release of FTWburns pack. http://www.mediafire.com/?765gk9pn7aztzct Here is the extra technic support http://dokucraftsc.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=officialtextures&action=display&thread=36 Take and use what textures you would like. if you edit it, don't distribute it.
  23. 10th or 11th page for the original download, couple pages pack for more technic support.
  24. What? You mean the tekkit mods textures? This deals with, at the moment, only the technic mods, obviously there is a cross over between the packs. Google dokucraft. Go to the Minecraft forums post of it, on there there is a technic support download. It's limited but might contain some of the mod textures you're looking for. When you say tekkit, I assume you mean the mod textures within tekkit. Look around a bit, you should be able to find doku textures for a majority of the mods, if not all.
  25. Then download the two packs that are in this thread. That'll be all the Dokucraft textures. If you want more then go to the dokucraft thread and download the very limited technic pack support. They also have mod support in the customizer. I don't know what else you're looking for. If you're looking to see what the texture are themselves and want to move them to a different texturepack, which is what I've done. Get all the textures, then more them around, just open up the texture pack folders. Stick to the paths though otherwise the textures wont work.
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