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Posts posted by RebelNode

  1. This is caused when you place down buildcraft pipes and then remove them with non-conventional methods like doing a rollback with anti-grief plugins. Also if someone griefed buildcraft pipes and you rollback the area it will result in this. It is because in rollback plugins all bc-pipes are handled as item id 166, which is an invisible pipe that usually only exists inside regular bc-pipes. When this pipe ID 166 exists without a regular bc-pipe on top of it, the bc pipehandler will see it as an undefined pipe type 0 and you will get this error.

    You can fix it by somehow removing all the invisible pipes from your map, which is rather hard. The invisible pipes cannot be walked through, so you might be able to find some of them to reduce the amount of errors though.

  2. The map currently has a radius of 2500 blocks (diameter of 5000). It is enough to house everyone. If every player wanted a generous 200x200x256 area just for him-/herself alone we could still house almost 500 players (though not in square areas). Also, it's cosy and nice :)

    Frankly, the problem with increasing map size is that the map was made in Tekkit 2, so expanding it in Tekkit 3 would result in weird cross-over places between two different map generators. We will just make new worlds later on if we run out of usable space.

  3. people dont even bother going on this server. the most fun mods are disabled.

    We have only disabled Equivalent exhange transmutation devices, buildcraft for being obsolete and then some things that are buggy or allow extensive griefing. I know our itembanlist is bigger than most servers have, but then again we have managed to run this server succesfully for 5 months now and people from way back are still interested to play with us. I argue that enabling one or more of the disabled items would just result in a worse gaming experience for everyone (getting items would be too easy, we would have unrollbackable grief, server would lag etc.).

    Also mosc, yesterday you came on the server after being away for a couple of weeks. Then you asked why I haven't made you a moderator. I said you might not be mature enough and you have proven just that.

  4. The minecraft server can only use 1 core.

    Ahh right, I forgot there still aren't multi-thread builds of bukkit (there are multi-thread builds of the mc-client and some other stuff).

    I can deactivate buildcraft to test...

    I think that would result in buildcraft blocks and items disappearing from your worlds upon loading the chunks they were in.

  5. Well, the standard advice at the moment is to disable buildcraft. It can make up to even half of all resource usage and everything in buildcraft can be done with other mods like redpower. But even with buildcraft enabled you should be able to run 30 players fine with such good hardware. What do you mean with "standard server HDD"? I know many professional minecraft hosts have switched so SSDs because the reading speeds really matter much more than one would think. Some crazy people even use ramdisk (and a few of them are not all that crazy, but even succeed in it).

    Also, not all server virtualization software can handle java very good. Sometimes moving the server out of a virtualized environment and into the main machine can remove strange limits like it being able to use only one CPU thread.

    Just throwing ideas here... hope it helps... I can't really know if there exists some very specific thing in your configurations that fucks up everything else...

  6. no really im good, well u can trial me and interview me, if you dont trust me, i have been an op for a few servers before. im clean, nvr griefed before or wat so ever... u can put me on hold, and monitor as i play thru the server?

    i wuld nvr chose u cz ur english is so bad. I mean, how could anyone take you seriously when you can't even write correctly when applying for a position of trust?

  7. So this is a quick question I was wondering today. Is it okay to change the server time with /time day etc in Tekkit or will it mess up Redpower stuff or other things?

    I have never changed the time on our server (Evolution R&D), except for some test worlds. It would sometimes be handy and justified if there's only a couple of players online so I might use it if it's "safe".

    I know changing weather should be just fine, haven't found any issues with it.

  8. Hmm, that doesn't solves it for me, since for example the quarry work only outside the faction areas.

    That is the whole idea. If you want quarries to be able to break protected areas then /op them. If you want your protections to mean anything then block machines from destroying them.

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